Why is UA so popular on CC?

<p>how did you guys all find each other? around what time did this subforum become as active as it is now? :)</p>

<p>I don’t like to point fingers, but in this case, its a good thing. It’s really all on mom2collegekids. :)</p>

<p>I lurked around CC for a couple of years and started posting soon after mom2collegekids did. UA has a reputation for offering very large merit scholarships based solely on stats, which is actually quite unique among colleges. There is a thread on CC, <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/148852-what-ive-learned-about-full-ride-scholarships.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/148852-what-ive-learned-about-full-ride-scholarships.html&lt;/a&gt; , that has become quite legendary. Reading it and some other threads introduced me to UA and all it has to offer. I applied, was admitted, and decided to attend. It was only into my freshman year of college that I realized that UA had its own, somewhat active forum on CC and decided to start posting and helping others out.</p>

<p>I cannot stress enough that UA is quite unique in its offerings for talented students. Since the popular merit scholarships don’t consider income, race, extra curriculars, teacher recommendations, etc., many talented students who would otherwise not qualify for major scholarships are able to get a first rate education and be happy and comfortable at the same time. The super suite dorms look very attractive when compared to the freshman housing situation at other schools.</p>

<p>UA appears to be following Bear Bryant’s philosophy in that it is better to take really good students and help them become the country’s top students than to solely focus on getting a few of the top students in the country and letting the rest of the school fill up with whomever walks in the door when they turn on the lights. I’m not saying that the latter is a bad philosophy, it’s just not what UA is trying to do. </p>

<p>Of course, it is fun to yell Roll Tide!</p>

That was so well said!!</p>

Your question of “how did you all find each other” was reminiscent of the last episode of Seinfeld. Judge Vandelay said " I do not know how, or under what circumstances the four of you found each other…"! Well, however it happened, it has been a valuable tool for all potential students and their parents. I think we all owe M2CK a big thank you for all her posts.
Careful what you wish for on the snow idea. We did get lots of snow here in North Carolina. Saving a couple of snow balls with your name on them in the ice box for you when you arrive in T Town.</p>

<p>thanks. i hope i will be in tuscaloosa a few months from now… :D</p>

<p>^^^There is no “try,” siglio. There is only “do.” See you in T-Town next August. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>I second what both Feeno and SEA said. Parents of new UA students, like “Mom2k” are grateful for the generous merit aid, and the fact that their children are happy at UA. Also, alumni like NJersey and myself post frequently on CC because it allows us to stay connected to the school we love so much. UA has a very strong sense of place, a gorgeous campus, caring faculty, great academic, social, cultural, and athletic opportunities, and CC is one way to help others learn about it. We are proud of UA’s past, but also very excited by the progress at the present time, and the even bigger changes to come. I think we all like feeling that we are at least a small part of that. Thanks for your interest.</p>

<p>Did you see the post from the Maryland mom? </p>

<p>We are from Maryland & they are playing the commercial up here, too! Also being sold here in Maryland at “Forever 21” & “Dick’s Sporting Goods” are Alabama sweatshirts … my D says it is a sign. Also heard from a neighbor at a Christmas party, when they asked my D where she wanted to go (and she said Alabama, of course!), that they heard Alabama was the hot new school for kids out here in the Mid-Atlantic states. </p>

<p>And… not just in the Mid-Atlantic states…all across the county. Have you seen the thread with all the college acceptances. Bama is one of the most repeated mentions (if not the most).</p>


Can you provide us the link to that thread, m2ck? Thanks.</p>

<p>I would also like to thank m2ck and all the other regular posting members to the UA CC pages. My D started out with a “goal” of applying to about 11 schools … a daunting task as you ALL know when taking into account all the App deadlines, supplements, scholarship apps, etc. Almost too much at times. We have visited 9 of those 11. We liked many of the schools (and some not), but LOVED UA when we visited for all the reasons many of us profess on these pages. I most certainly can attest to the fact that UA would not have even been on our radar had it not been for the WONDERFUL information provided to me by m2ck. Certainly, the scholarship benefits are GREAT, but that is not the only reason my D may be turning down offers from Tulane, Vandy, Wash-U, and William & Mary to attend UA! Pure and simple, she loved it and could see herself there living and studying … not really any other way to explain it. So, we’ve gone from 11 down to 2 (in my opinion of her thoughts). She has dreamed of attending Rice, and if she gets in and gets some “help” from them on the $$$ side, then who knows. But if she is fortunate enough to be accepted to CBH and/or UFE … well … I think she would even choose UA over Rice at this point. They say that when you start this process, you can never tell how things may end up … that what you think at the beginning is NOT what ends up happening in the end. In her / our case, this is CERTAINLY true. I could not be happier for her … having such wonderful options. Thank you to EVERYONE that has been so helpful here, and especially to m2ck. Let’s not kid ourselves that the information provided here allows people to make informed, life changing decisions. We are so greatfull for ALL of the care and time you put in making this a GREAT forum. That is WHY UA forum is so active … it is because of the people adding so much value. Happy New Year everyone! I am personally hopeful of a “Roll Tide” decision come early Spring! Maybe we’ll meet some of you in February? :-)</p>

<p>Roll Tide, Dad2ILD. Beautifully written, oh-so-true comments.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/999427-class-2015-list-acceptances-h-s-2011-a-12.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/999427-class-2015-list-acceptances-h-s-2011-a-12.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Start of the List:
================================================== ===
AdaQuince: Louisiana State University, Louisiana Tech, College of Charleston
altosaxgeek5: Mississippi State University, the University of Alabama, & the University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Amandakayak S1: Rutgers, Univ. of Pittsburgh-Honors College, Penn State (UP), UW-Madison, Univ. of Michigan
Amazing Grace: Johnson & Wales (R.I.) Baking & Pastry, The Restaurant School¶
Arbydan: U. Minnesota(Biology), U of Illinois-UC (Business), U. Wisconsin Madison
Arisamp D: Tulane
Arutha S: Rutgers (NB), U of **Alabama <a href=“Honors”>/B</a>, U of Michigan (Engg), Georgia Tech
AtomicGirl S: Indiana University-Bloomington, California State University - Dominguez Hills, Greenville College</p>

<p>Beniben:UMass Amherst (EA-Honors), Fordham University(EA)
Bennnie: Penn State College of Engineering University Park, University of Hartford
bkcsmn99: University of Vermont (honors), Northeastern Univ. (EA-honors), UCONN (honors), WPI
blueiguana S2: Auburn University
bopper D: Rutgers, WPI</p>

<p>cgpm59 S: St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas; Southwestern Univ., Georgetown, Texas; Midwestern State Univ., Wichita Falls, Texas
charlied10 : Columbia, Northeastern, PC, UMass
chintzy S: University of Tampa, Arizona State, Loyola of New Orleans, URI
chocchipcookie S1: Tufts University ED
church S: Middlebury ED
Coll2011 D: TCU, Purdue, CUA, Clemson, UVM, Georgetown
ollege4days D: Indiana University-Bloomington, Iowa State University, Michigan State University, University of Missouri-Columbia
college4three S: Tulane, Columbia University
Collegeshopping D-University of Texas Austin-Biochemistry-Plan II Honors
curiousmother S-Georgetown (EA)</p>

<p>danceclass D-Bard College (IDP)
daydream11: University of **Alabama <a href=“Presidential%20Scholar”>/B</a>
ddd928-S: St Louis University, Mercyhurst College
Dignified1 D: MIT (EA)
dkitty21 - D: Rider, York College of PA, West Chester</p>

<p>eaglemom10 - Texas A&M
ebenson - University of MN Twin Cities
ebreyer: University of Oklahoma, Xavier University, University of Cincinnati
emah24-Eastern Connecticut State University,Wheelock College
emilybee - Ithaca College, Hartwick College, Allegheny College, SUNY Binghamton
EmmyBet’s D: U of MN-Twin Cities, SUNY New Paltz
ezbeth D: Belmont University, Catawba College</p>

<p>fishnschool: University of MN Twin Cities, University of WI Madison, Valparaiso University
fishymom D: University of Alabama
futureundergrad: Eastern Connecticut State University, University of New Hampshire</p>

<p>ga123456 S: Randolph-Macon College (EA)
Gamomof2: Auburn (only app sent, only school she wanted)
gamomof3 D: University of Alabama, Auburn, Georgia Southern, UGA(EA)
GreatKidsMom S - Bard College (IDP) Wesleyan (ED)
GrnMtnMom D: University of Chicago, University of Vermont (Honors College)</p>

<p>happy64 - U Puget Sound and Drew
holliesue’s D-SUNY Potsdam, Hiram, Elizabethtown College, Alfred University, SUNY Oneonta, SUNY New Paltz, Allegheny
Husky82’s D - University of Portland</p>

<p>Kajon S: University **Alabama <a href=“Honors”>/B</a>, University Minnesota (Honors)</p>

<p>JRZMom D: Rutgers</p>

<p>KathieP’s Son: Drexel, Florida Tech, Arcadia, Hartwick, University of New Haven, Guilford
kayakct d: Ohio Wesleyan, College of Wooster (ED)
kayakct s: Siena
Keylimepie’s S: Yale (EA)
KFL S2: Vassar ED
Ksqdomer: Ursinus College, U of Pittsburgh Honors College, Boston College (EA),
University of Notre Dame (EA)
Kumitedad D: Cal Lutheran University, Linfield College, Whitworth University, Willamette University</p>

<p>lab1969 S: Missouri University of Science & Technology-Rolla
lainey121 S: Yale (EA)
lapagan S: University Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee
lbaker S: Baylor, Embry Riddle (AZ), Univ of North Dakota, Carthage College, Benedictine College, Univ of St Thomas
ldinct S2: University of Alabama, University of San Diego</p>

<p>loveneweng: Carroll College, Catholic University of America</p>

<p>madbean’s S2: Tulane, Case Western Reserve U
mamom’s S: Xavier University Cincinnati, Univ of Pitt, Loyola Chicago
mamabear1234’s S: Drexel
markbright2: Embry Riddle, FLA; Penn State, Univ Park
mavs2011: University of Alabama, Auburn University, Clemson University, University of Mississippi
mdye718 s1 - Temple University, University of Pittsburgh, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
meditrina’s D: Ariz State Univ Barrett Honors College, Washington State Univ.
MichMom07’s S: Michigan State University (Honors College), University of Michigan(College of Engineering), Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
MilitaryMom’s D:Lynchburg College , Birmingham-Southern, University of Tulsa, University of Alabama, Millsaps College, Agnes Scott College,
missypie’s D: University of Arkansas
momdoc’s S: Villanova (EA), University of Notre Dame (EA), Santa Clara (EA)
Momjr’s D: Pitt, Towson, Boston University (ED), Northeastern (EA)
mommylaw’s D: Auburn University & University of Alabama, Univeristyof Illinois -Business
momofboston’s D: Tulane
Momofsongbird’s D: Ripon College, Augustana College, Illinois Wesleyan University
Momofzach S: Lebanon Valley
moneyp s1 : SUNY Geneseo, University of Alabama at Birmingham
mumof2 D: Tulane
MyLilMans2Big Son: Arcadia and Drexel</p>

<p>njmom27 S: Rutgers School of Engineering, Drexel University (Engineering & Pennoni Honors College)
NJ Paladin D2: Louisiana State University, Penn State - university Park
okgirly: Auburn, University of Alabama, Mississippi State, Middle Tennessee State
olderwisermom S2: University of Missouri (Honors College), Purdue University (Engineering)</p>

<p>Peabodie’s D2: Vassar
phbmom D2: Georgia Tech, Oregon State
Pizzagirl: S Northwestern, D Wellesley
researching4emb’s D2: Clark University
randrmom: Rutgers
renaissancemom S: U of Pittsburgh Honors College
reviens S: Univ of Cincinnati
rodney D: Elon (ED), College of Charleston (EA)
roliyork D: U Rochester (ED)</p>

<p>SaintSaens: Boston College (EA)
scott04: Ohio State, Clemson, North Carolina State, Case Western
scoutsmom S: U of Pittsburgh
secondgen: University of Maine, Drexel
senior3022: Ohio University
septembermom D: Michigan State
sheryl0826 D: Boston University, University of Vermont
snowbound17: Baylor, Alabama, Auburn, U Maine, Tulane
sophistry: Temple University, Drexel University
SlitheyTove’s D: Tufts (ED)
Stayathomemom: Indiana University, University of Pittsburgh, Penn State, State College
storytime: Truman State Univ, Elon (EA)
swimmergirlsmom: Whittier College, University of Redlands</p>

<p>TessaR’s D: Univ of Oregon
trackjack S: University of Missouri, University of South Dakota
theblueprint: University of Alabama
thedoo: Univ of Missouri, Univ of Pittsburgh, Penn State Main Campus
TriciaC’s S: St. Joseph’s University (EA)</p>

<p>UMich8790: Purdue University, U of Michigan, U of Illinois-UC (all engineering)
UT84321 S2: University of Alabama</p>

<p>WiscMomOf2: Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, Mich Tech, UW-LaCrosse
WillDaSnail - California State University-Fullerton, Los Angeles; Arizona State University</p>

<p>Zannerina’s D-Pitzer College (ED)</p>

<p>42cupsoftea’s S2: Tulane</p>

<p>hmm…what is alabama’s yield?</p>

<p><a href=“http://oira.ua.edu/factbook/2009-2010/2009p23.pdf[/url]”>http://oira.ua.edu/factbook/2009-2010/2009p23.pdf&lt;/a&gt; found at </p>

<p>[Office</a> of Institutional Research & Assessment - OIRA](<a href=“http://oira.ua.edu/factbook/2009-2010/UA_2009_2010_Factbook.html]Office”>http://oira.ua.edu/factbook/2009-2010/UA_2009_2010_Factbook.html)</p>

<p>which can be found at [Office</a> of Institutional Research & Assessment - OIRA](<a href=“http://oira.ua.edu/reports.html]Office”>http://oira.ua.edu/reports.html)</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the data for this last Fall of 2010 has yet to be released. Given the large jump in the size of the freshman class, from around 5200 to around 5550, I imagine that the yield rate for Fall of 2010, or the percentage of accepted students who chose to enroll at UA was at least 50 per cent, which is not typical for schools of UA’s size. It shows how popular UA has become. This will allow UA to continue to raise admissions standards.</p>

<p>that’s pretty amazing…UCSB’s yield is 20%</p>

<p>I got turned on to CC way back in 2004 when my oldest was applying to the Service Academies. My oldest did get Appointments to West Point and USAFA and chose the latter. I learned so much from that entire process that I felt it only right to stay involved and help other parents and students wade through fact and fiction. One missed deadline could be the difference between being a qualified candidate or being disqualified for the next incoming class of cadets. </p>

<p>Fast forward to 2006, I utilized CC as a source of knowledge as my middle son became a NMF.<br>
That is when I was first introduced to the University of Alabama. Back then, m2ck was not around to answer questions. Thankfully there were other posters on CC that had plenty of good things to say about Bama to spark my interest in UA. I was the one that made sure my son met all the application deadlines at UA, keeping my parental influence in check. When the timing was right, I was able to convince my middle son to visit UA in the spring of his Senior year. Knowing that UA was at the bottom of HIS list of eleven schools, I trusted that our campus visit would change his mind. UA did sell its self! Our son saw first had how beautiful the campus was. He was welcomed by sincere leaders and staff that took a personal interest in HIM. He witnessed genuine “Southern Hospitality”. In the week that followed our visit, UA quickly moved from the bottom of his list to the top. He told us “God had a plan for him at UA”. </p>

<p>August - 2008, we dropped our son off at the airport for what has proven to be a life changing experience! We sent our 18 year old son to UA without hesitation.<br>
I also want to point out that our son’s journey to UA has been repeated by other fine students of parents I have met of CC. The UA community reaches far beyond it’s students. They welcome parents into the fold as well. </p>

<p>I’m trilled to report that UA will welcome my youngest son next fall. </p>

<p>CC rocks! Best of all, the parents and students of UA Rock MORE! ROLL TIDE!!</p>