Is UM a commuter school?

<p>In another thread, someone commented that most UM students live at home. How many students live on campus?</p>

<p>It’s around 50/50 according to the admissions office, and according to USNews, the actual stat is 43% on campus, 57% off campus. Most of the people (who I know, anyway) that live off campus live nearby, in places like Red Road Commons or apartment complexes across US1. Also, I don’t think that stat includes people who live in the UV.</p>

<p>I think my group of friends is a bit unique, though, because nearly everyone who I lived with during my Freshman year still lives on campus.</p>

<p>I don’t think it is an issue. My son never mentions kids who live at home… they live on or off campus (close by) as in every school. It is by no means a “suitcase” school. Even my sons frat house, which is by the baseball stadium, is closer to campus then when he lived at University Village Apts last year and that is considered to be on campus.</p>

<p>According to College Board:</p>

<p>60% of Miami’s students come from out of state (including overseas) and 40% from instate (which would include students from all over Florida). With those stats it is kinda hard for MOST to live at home!!</p>

<p>All the kids my daughter knows live either on campus or just off campus, like at most schools.</p>

<p>UM is the complete opposite of a commuter school. The only dead weekend all year is Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>HA! And we toured the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving! Might have to come back to help son decide…</p>