Is University Days worth the trip?

In October, we had a college tour that included talking to a student rep for the Honor’s College and two engineering professor’s. We are definitely going back sometime in the future to take a longer look around. We would like to check out the dorms again and T-town. We have also been in contact with someone from the Million Dollar Band and would like to meet with him. The question is do we go during University Days or wait till the Fall when hopefully we have heard he has been accepted?

University Days would likely just be a repeat of much that you already know…application info, scholarship info, etc. Have you looked over the agenda? You could just contact the HC and see if someone can show you the dorms and set up the meeting with MDB…

Unless your child has borderline stats, (doesn’t sound like it), then you don’t have to worry about being accepted.

I’m scared we will jinx it if we say after he is accepted. Ialso don’t want to come off as cocky. I wasn’t sure if they had booths on the different organizations on campus or is that strictly during the first week of school?

i doubt that they have booths about the different clubs since UDays are usually held on days that school isn’t in session…so students are enjoying the day off away from campus.

At least some University Days this year are held when UA students are in session - this, below, copied from website

"Register Now for University Days

University Days offer prospective students information on topics such as admissions; majors and minors; academic support and programs; costs; financial aid and scholarships; and on-campus living and dining.

Please join us and a group of outstanding high-school and transfer students like yourself for a daylong visit at The Bryant Conference Center on the campus of The University of Alabama.

Registration is now open for University Days sessions on the following dates:
Monday, February 2, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
Monday, March 9, 2015

For more details about University Days, visit"

There will be at least some tables set up as info booths. If you can swing it (financially as well as time-wise), going on a tour during University Days is useful, as an adjunct to your own private tour that many of you arrange through HC. But if you’ve already visited, probably not worth another trip just for Uni Days.