University Days: Worth The Trip?

Hello All -

Looking for anyone with any insights on UA University Days?

We did a guided tour on campus last Summer and we were really impressed. The lone downside was that the campus was basically empty as summer session was already finished with the girls on campus starting Rush week the only students we saw (not really giving us a vibe about what the school feels like when school is in session).

Is it worth a special trip to attend an upcoming University Day? Or is it essentially a re-hash of the agenda on the regular campus visit that covered housing, dorm tours, etc.?

If it’s the same content, we might opt to visit another time when classes are in session.

Thanks for any feedback!

JMHO…but I believe that the UD days that are after the New Year are geared more to juniors in high school since they go over applying and scholarships.

visit another time.

Thanks for this input!

Unfortunately, we booked - I’m sure the ability to meet with representatives from a couple of the specific colleges as well as another visit on campus with students there will be useful to give a better sense of the vibe when school’s in session.