Is working full time during community college acceptable?

I plan on working 40-50 hours a week while working on my 2 year transfer degree in community college.

Is that acceptable?

I am a very hard working person with a strong work ethic so I believe it is possible for me but not for others.

My goal is to maintain a B grade point average so it’s not like I’m trying to get all As.

Any tips?

Where do you want to transfer to? A B average (3.0) might not be enough…

FWIW, I worked 15-25 hrs a week and had very few problems while attending CC. Just felt tired a lot of the time.

I am looking at transferring to Virginia Tech, VCU, or George Mason.

Oh, okay. Sorry, I’m not much help there, I’m more familiar with the University of California transfer stuff.

Good luck! You sound like you’ve got a good plan and great work ethic!

Thanks for the insight and I’ll post a new thread in a year or so with my results.

Every student is different, but working full time and being a full time student is usually not a combination for success. If you are taking 15 credits each semester, which you will have to do to complete your degree in two years, you should expect to spend 30+ hours on homework. In college, you are not in class as much, but you are expected to do a lot more of the work outside of class. You only have about 112 hours a week if you plan to sleep, so between work and school you have taken up at least 80, leaving you about 4 hours a day to eat, bathe, grocery shop, walk the dog, etc. And don’t make the mistake of assuming that CC is going to be a breeze. If you need to work full time, consider taking fewer credits each semester, and going in the summer and maybe an extra semester or two.