Is your kid still working on his/her college applications?

One more to go. My son missed the deadline for one school. He thought it has one essay; instead it has 3 essays. He submitted it 30 minutes late. Hope it is ok. The school acknowledged it has been received.

3 left…one just waiting for me to proofread (not even edit) one essay, one with last essay started, and one completely unstarted.

One application left. One recommender who still hasn’t submitted the recommendation for the Common App. Arrgh.

Might have hit the wall. Two small essays due the 15th, but it might be too much to deal with. That would be fine with me. Both schools are well worth applying to and D probably cares more about them than some of the others, but given the three in the bag and seven other apps submitted,I doubt it’s worth breaking down over. Semester ends within the month and there are three big productions coming up (one she has to finish writing). She’ll decide if they matter enough or not. This year has been full of “choose your battle” moments for her and for me!

Well anyone applying to UNC- Ch Hill-- they extended the deadline to Jan 18 11:59 EDT

D has been done with applications for a few weeks now. But yesterday she was handed two applications for local scholarships that she qualifies for. The deadlines for both are just a few weeks off, and one requires 2 essays and THREE recommendations. They’re sitting on the table and I’m trying not to look at them.

Yes. Sigh.

D16 has been getting emails from the colleges she’s applied to. One really emphasized filling out the FAFSA and CSS. So, just now, on her way to bed, she said “Please remember to fill out those forms”. I replied that we would fill out the forms together after she finishes the application due on Friday. She got that deer in the headlights look. Face palm.

People can say “no sense in worrying. If it doesn’t get sent, they’ll just go somewhere else and be just fine”. Well, I can’t say I completely agree.

My D would be miserable for quite a long time if she missed a deadline by five minutes, which means she can’t go to Columbia and will have to settle for XYZ school. And if she’s miserable, I gotta live with misery. This could spill over into her contentment at said college, etc. It’s not as simple as “oh well, guess I should have worked faster. Moving on.”

Her 17 year old brain may not take into consideration things like last minute server crashes, unexpected power outrages, oops gotta run to the ER. But my 51 year old brain does so my nagging yields a better outcome for both of us.

@exitstageleft I agree completely that nagging has its place here, for exactly the reasons stated. At 17, they just haven’t had quite enough sudden illnesses or computer issues to completely understand how critical it is to leave a reasonable buffer.

It all depends on the stakes though. The stakes are lower if, say, if a kid has already been accepted EA to an appropriate, affordable school, or if the last remaining applications are pie in the sky as opposed to really serious, likely, contenders. I couldn’t rest until the likely contenders were done. But if the kid had gummed up the deadlines on a few of the crazy reaches, I’d see that as his (possibly inadvertent) choice, with likely very little consequence given the overall odds.

Regarding an application to Columbia though: Since that’s a long shot for anyone, even with excellent qualifications, is she going to be equally miserable if not admitted? If so, she’d be wise to start working on falling in love with some of her other options now. Accepting another option is one thing, but “settling” is never a good feeling.

My kid ended up (very happily) attending the last school she applied to. They were last back with her admissions decision in March, too. And I might (just maybe) have nagged a teeny tiny bit on that last application. :slight_smile: Glad now that I did.

I wrote up a schedule. Which my kid ignored entirely. Made me feel better though! (The schedule, not the ignoring.)

My son started questioning whether the last few are needed. It’s his excuse not wanting to do them. Fine with me.

Still at it. One due today she’s having real trouble with the essay…one scholarship app due tonight. She came up with more schools with later deadlines. She’s driving me crazy.

Last two in tonight! (Due 1/15/16 @24:00!). Thought it might not happen, but, gotta say, the last essay made me tear up! I am not inclined to overpraise my kids, but… this kid knows how to bring it all home.

Your tears might not all be because of the essay at this point. :smiley:

Finally done! The last essay was a bit of a dud compared to some of her others, but it’s done and out. Phew!