<p>Eh..i woulnd't be saying that if i hadnt witnessed it myself. In my school, our rank 3 and rank 4 (both asian got rejected), while a rank 11 who had no EC's, and a 1580 SAT score got accepted (lol he himself agrees that he got in b/c he is hispanic..)</p>
<p>Our ucla applications this year.. : we had 5 asian applicants, 2 black, 2 hispanic this year.</p>
<p>All were in the top 10. one of the hispanic was rank 11 ( as above). Only one of the asians got in, 4 of us rejected (including me, i'm thai), both african american applicants got in, and both hispanic applicants got in.</p>
<p>We all pretty much came to an agreement that UCLA does indeed do very behind-the-scenes affirmative action =D..not just the rejected, but everyone that got accepted as well agrees on this..</p>
<p>Haha, but we still joke about it anyway, and are happy that UCLA is the first choice school for the people that actually got in (all URM's accepted, one traditional (asian) accepted)</p>