It's official! I'm doing the IB program!

I am really in to neuroscience but I don’t have enough room to put it in my schedule because if I wanted to focus on Bio then I would have to take cell biology & anatomy rather than just AP bio like years in the past…

So I decided that one of my HLs was going to be chemistry and as a result I can take two years of physics and three years of chem.

My SLs:

  1. History
  2. Japanese
  3. Physics

My HLs:

  1. English
  2. Chemistry
  3. Math

It kind of sucks that I have to take AP Physics senior year because I’ve heard it is literally HELL after AP bio…
but you know what, that’s just how it will have to be! I don’t want to sacrifice taking Physics junior year just to take cell bio & anatomy…

Any who, what do you think of my exams? Are they okay? I hope so…
The type of school I want to go to…I won’t be definite but definitely MIT, Stanford & UC Berkeley are on the list…
What kind of subjects are they looking for? Will my physics background & chem background + the fact that I will have completed 1 year of AB calc, 1 semester of linear/discreet math and 1 semester of BC calc done help in any way?

I’m definitely a heavily science person, I worked at labs and focused on neuroscience and have even done a national competition for it…

Please let me know how this is! I’m just doing what I personally like…so I hope this is also in line of what colleges want too?


I’m assuming that HL English is mandatory, as it was in my school. Your schedule looks fine. If you’re a science person in the mathematical sense, IB physics should be pretty easy presuming it doesn’t conflict with AP physics. That background will definitely help, but so would some biology classes if you’re shooting for neuroscience.

What a coincidence! I have the exact same HLs as you expect I have one more extra (Econ). I heard Japanese is a good point gainer so it’s a good choice.