IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2023

I am on a Facebook Group for Kelley Direct Admits - 2027 and someone just posted that they visited Kelley over the weekend, and the admissions people said that they are sorting through upwards of 8000 review requests. I have no idea how that compares to the volume from prior years, but that’s a lot.


Hopefully, they are prioritizing them by date of submittal.

Kind of their own fault by waiting this long to review and inform. If they reviewed in a timely manner that wouldn’t have to sort thru 8000 and counting.

If you don’t mind could you give me the name of that FB page? I would like to join for my one who is already a direct admit. Thanks!

It was actually a more “generic” FB page for Indiana entitled, “Indiana University Class of 2027 - Parents” where I read that particular post, but they do have a FB page just for Kelley entitled, “Kelley School of Business Class of 2027”.

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My son is the same way - only wants to attend if he gets a direct admit into Kelley. I agree that 4/14 is way too late, too close to the deadline.

Does anybody know: if we filled out a review request for Kelley direct admit, will they send us an email notification either way? That is, will a student be told if they are being rejected for Kelley direct admit? Or, do they just ghost us? Lol. I ask in all honesty because I believe Kelley does not notify an applicant if they do not automatically qualify for DA via their initial application. I’m wondering if the same is true for the review requests: maybe Kelley also does not notify applicants if their review request is denied (and therefore, if we haven’t heard anything by 4/14, it’s a no). Does anybody know?

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Not to mention Both Direct Admit Days they have for Kelley will have come and gone and those who are getting in as late as 4/14 will not get an opportunity to participate in the Direct Admit Days.

Don’t know about the denials if they get notified but I have to believe they would notify so that one could make a decision on college.

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Great point about missing the Direct Admit Days! I didn’t even realize the 4/14 date was after them, ugh.

Waiting since 10/05. S23 only wants Direct Entry programs and with no guidance on when petitions are being reviewed, we may now prefer other schools. We have already scheduled Admitted Students Day visits to several other universities in Feb and March. 4/14 is too long for us to wait.


I’m seeing everyone stress about this, so I am here to hopefully ease some of it. I applied Oct. 31 and petitioned Nov. 15. I received a email that I have been offered direct admission to Kelley. Good luck to everyone!


I received the email today.

Congrats! Can you post your stats so that we can have some benchmarking?

Thank you! 3.85 W GPA; 29 ACT

Oh that’s great. Sound like they are finally releasing more petitioned direct admits acceptances.


Congrats to you!


I applied EA to IU on 10/30 and petitoned to Kelley on 11/18, and got into IU on 12/3, I applied test optional and with 3.86 UW and 4.81 W, does kelley look at extracurriculars(do they do holistic admissions?) also do they look at my test scores even if I applied test optional?

Congratulations both for the admission as well as your great stats. Are OOS or instate and does that make a difference one way or the other?

I petitioned on October 23th and didn’t hear anything today. Is it possible it can be out of order with dates?

I think so because my son petitioned on 10/26 and still has not heard either.

I’m OOS; not sure if it makes a difference

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They look at GPA, test scores if submitted, and your response to the prompt. If you are test-optional, they will not check scores.

Is it mandatory to write the academic circumstances prompt? If so, how long should the response be?