IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2023

The only wave of petition admits for this year was in end-Nov. Since then, I don’t believe any new wave has been reported. Last year, all petition reviews were completed by Feb or March and hence many folks heard back in January. This year, petitions are being accepted till Feb 1 with April 14th being the last day for decisions and so we may see waves till March end or so.

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Since there is direct admit day at the end of march, they will try to wrap up the petitions by then.

If you are accepted via petition are you then considered a direct admit for purposes of direct admit day? Vs a student who comes to IU and then hopes to get in to Kelley. Does that make sense?!

Are this years dates different? Ie feb 1 and April 14

We couldn’t attend the admit day in March but my daughter recently received another admit day invitation by e-mail from Kelley for Friday, February 10 so we are going to that one instead.

yes! I have a sophomore Kelley who was admitted by petition. Once admitted it doesn’t matter how ;). All are “direct admits”

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no. The only other thing that is reviewed is the petition essay.

Curious if anyone heard anything on their review petition?

My DS requested 10/21 and is still waiting.

My son submitted IU app on 10/15, request for DA to Kelley 10/17 and still waiting. His twin submitted 1 1/2 weeks earlier and received direct admit first week of December.

It seems like, though honestly this is just supposition, that the closer we got to 11/1 and the general EA application deadline, the more those direct admit petitions have been lumped into a pool with the majority of petition requests and admissions apps of qualified direct admit candidates. So while there was bandwidth to review and make decisions on petitions earlier in October, that bandwidth has significantly shrunk and the field of candidates has significantly grown…thereby causing this long wait for results.

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This pattern is so unlike previous years. I wonder how many “automatically qualified” DA students applied vs. those who sent in review requests. If the number of “automatcially qualfied” is very high this year, it would naturally reduce the number of slots they have left for those who sent in petitions. I’m sure they have their own way of figuring out yield and what not, but the dearth of admissions via review request this cycle is notable.


I heard somewhere they had a record number (thousands) of apps to Kelley this year. So presumably the pool of direct admit applicants went up. However, yield still needs to come into play since so many students have raised their level of apps submitted due to the uncertainty of admissions across the board.

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I am applying for Kelley, and I need to do the petition. I wonder what people have written about for the “What has been your most significant achievement in the past three years?” question and if this topic has helped them get in. Thank you!

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Son wrote about launching a business but he has not heard back yet re Direct Admit so who knows??!!

I applied test optional and submitted an review request to Kelley. Will kelley check my test scores even if I applied test optional?

No, they will not ask/ look at your test scores.

Anyone recently (last 30 days) hear back from Kelley direct admit?

I have one kid who got in back at the beginning of December and another waiting since they submitted petition review at the end of October.

Seems like a very large gap of time for them to respond. Got confirmation that they got the request same day petition was submitted so there isn’t an issue with that.

Same boat, endlessly waiting. I did read on IU website can receive a response until 4/14, way too long to wait IMO. To close to decision day. My son only wants to attend if he gets direct admit to business.



I am surprised they haven’t done another release. Waiting so long and now combining with RD (which is Feb 1) seems like there is going to be an overload on them to go thru all the petitions. Why do that to themselves? Unless they are planning on not accepting all requests (even when meeting the criteria) and want to compare all applicants now?

Maybe the amount of applicants well exceeded the number they want to direct admit??

Frustrating. As my one who got in already signed up for direct admit day and would like to sign the other up too but need the direct admit first. We are OOS so it requires some organizing to travel there. Honestly, it is starting to turn off my other one’s interest in the school (which I don’t want).