I've Decided to Transfer. What Can I Expect?


I wrote a post last winter thinking about transferring from Suffolk University even though I have a really good financial aid package. I tried sticking through it again this semester, and it honestly was one of the worst periods. I told my family I want to start looking at options to transfer.

If I apply anywhere, it would probably be Emmanuel College, Emerson, and BU. Realistically, I know I will probably only be able to afford Emmanuel, but my mom encouraged me to try other schools and see. I’m a PR major right now and am willing to major in communications at other schools.

Here are some of my stats for reference too.
For high school:
-4.45 GPA rank 6/435
-1440 SAT
-I was on the track and cross country team through high school

And for my time at Suffolk
-4.0 GPA
-I have a work-study where I wrote/edited then published a school-sponsored magazine
-I founded a club and am the president
-I’m the finance manager for Radio here and I have my own show
-I’m the first-year rep. for the honors council
-I’m in the honors program and a project of mine was chosen for me to present at the national collegiate honors conference
-I also work a regular job
-I’m in a sorority
-I also have a good amount of volunteer hours

I tried really hard this semester to get involved as much as I could to try and enjoy Suffolk more, but I still hate it here. I’m hoping now that getting so involved can maybe help boost my applications elsewhere.

Basically, I’m just asking if I have a solid chance of getting good financial aid anywhere else- it doesn’t even have to be the three schools I mentioned, but I want to stay in Boston. Suffolk accepted all of my AP credit from high school so I came in 3 semesters ahead and with a really good scholarship, so I know that by leaving, I’m passing up on a really good financial opportunity. Room and board also won’t matter since I’m not dorming.

Any advice/recommendations on applying or on financial aid is really appreciated. Picking the wrong college is hard.

Also, side note- if anyone’s transferred/knows someone who transferred out of a school they were really unhappy in, how did it go?

And i remember someone asking my AP scores on my last post. I got 5’s on Human Geo, Comp Sci Principles, Lang, APUSH, Euro, Psych, and Environmental Science. 4’s in Stats, Lit, Calc AB. 3 in Chem and 2 in Physics (won’t be getting any credit for that one hehe).

My dude you’re too late to apply for Fall 2022. BU already closed applications I know that. Not sure about the others. The other probably did too but you could check I guess. The earliest you could do is apply for Spring 2023. It’s basically the same process as in high school. Its literally almost identical except they look at your year(s) at college and high school.

In terms of where, I mean BU is incredibly popular and probably a safe bet that you would like it. Its nothing like long island. In terms of getting accepted to BU, idk i mean admissions is so hard to predict.

rising sophore suffolk also plan to transfer, hows ur application going