James Madison COB vs GWSB

Hey so I’m a senior attending a public school in Northern Virginia and I am interested in pursuing a degree in business administration. I am considering James Madison COB, U.Va Mcintire( I’m aware you have to fulfill 2 years worth of requirements first and then apply) GWSB, Virginia Tech and finally American. Now, from what I’ve heard from family friends and other adults U.Va and George Washington appear to blow the other schools out of the water. At the same time I’ve heard James Madison COB is on the rise but is it comparable to GWSB? Are U.Va and GWSB still the best schools to attend out of these options? I’m also interested in graduate school so I’m wondering, assuming I get accepted into these schools, if U.Va or GWSB would be the better option.

I definitely would not count JMU as in-line with GWSB. Even if their program is on the up, I’ve heard too much about the party-school reputation of JMU from those in the D.C. workforce.

I can’t speak for UVA with any first-hand knowledge, but I’ve heard that overall it’s a great school. I think looking there as well is a good idea.

UVA > GWU >> American >>>>>>>>>> JMU/VT

UVA is a public ivy and McIntire was ranked the #2 business school in the nation in 2014. Also - UVA is a consistent top 15 school, it really blows any of the other schools on this list out of the water.

GWU is an amazing school and career placement in this region is pretty much anywhere you would want to go as long as you put some effort in. The difference between UVA and GW is that UVA is more widely known and reputable whereas GW is less known the further you get from DC/MD/VA.

If you want to see how these schools really are, a simple linkedin search reveals just how… “different” JMU/VT are from GW/UVA. Go to each schools page and look at the class of 2016 or individuals who attended from 2015-2017 - look at where they work. You will see a big difference in the opportunities made and achieved by being at some of these schools over the others!

Oh yeah and American… it’s kind of an in-betweener, definitely better for business than JMU/VT but costs just as much as GW with far inferior on campus recruiting and has reputation for being a fall back for GU and GW kids. Still a great school.