January Critical Reading SAT Thread

<p>@Communistnight you are correct. that is the exact answer i put. SO honestly i don't remember correctly the question but i sadly don't think you're answers 'fit' for some reason. There wasn't any mention of 'anomolies' for sure though.</p>

<p>Also, for the Hispanic one, i put that the sentence (about 'paved with gold) implied that the family had financial problems. Anyone else do the same?</p>

<p>of the ones u didnt forget, i had all except agriculture, so hopefully literary critic and agriculture were experimental</p>

<p>for "paved with gold" i said: her mama and tata were teasing her because she "harbored unrealistic expectations". it was either that or "driven by ambition" </p>

<li>the literary critic is exp. b/c i didn't get that and i only got 3 cr.</li>

<p>atomicbomb22...was the PR girl having too high expectations a choice? thats what i chose for one of the questions</p>

<p>yeah wat wendy said</p>

<p>the gold in NYC one i remember i put some thing like expectations. def. not $$$ thing.. lol</p>

<p>you guys u know in the comic section, was there only only one question asking to compare passage 1 and passage 2? or was there more than one??</p>

<p>I thought it was either 'harbored unrealistic expectations' or 'family had financial problems', but she didn't harbor unrealistic expectations (explicitly written in text) so i'm not sure.</p>

<p>i rly don't remember..all i remember so far is passage 1's tone being more 'severe' than that of passage 2</p>

<p>more than one i believe..and i put severe also</p>

<p>I remember one where i put that passage's 2's tone was more conversational.</p>

<p>atomicbomb22...that may have been the same question as the severe one b/c i remember having to choose b/w conversational and severe before realizing the question asked for passage 1's tone, not passage 2's. anyone confirm this or am i delusional</p>

<p>it was one of the very last questions. I pretty sure it asked for passage 2; but i could be wrong...you can go nuts in that exam room.</p>

<p>i think it is severe..the author's opinion is one-sided</p>

<p>i think thats the only comparing tone question of the passage</p>

<p>so how do you guys think you did on the CR overall?</p>

<p>no idea at all now....</p>

<p>iffy..the vocab wrecked me (1 definite wrong so far, possibly more)</p>

<p>how was the writing section for u guys</p>

<p>its okay. i dont have high expectations on that one tho..lol</p>