<p>did u have a bunch of e's in ur writing section (right before improving paragraphs)..i really couldn't locate many errors, and i'll prolly pay for that</p>
<p>actually the grammer section will be the best section for me (i don't know about essay because i had a completely different one than everyone else). The reading is kinda iffy..i got 3 vocab wrong and possibly 2 comprehension wrong so ill probably get around 720. Math was pretty tricky though (was aiming for 800 but i got 3 wrong). I was hoping i could get my SAT out of the way...but unless i get over 2200 i guess I'm going to have to take it again to work up my composite score.</p>
<p>good luck atomicbomb...what was ur essay btw</p>
<p>it was "do you think changing circumstances is better than changing attitudes"</p>
<p>I wrote about how you will never get anything done if you just resign to your circumstances. I took examples from the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, Ned Kelly, and I mentioned apartheid.</p>
<p>i skipped like 5 on the CR overall...and now i know i had 2 or 3 vocab wrong so far..not sure if there are a lot comprehension Qs wrong...</p>
<p>math is okay</p>
<p>writing..i dont have a lot of Es..i have a few like 2 or 3 i think..errrr..essay should be good cuz i always have 10 or 11. lol </p>
<p>btw how many can i get wrong on CR to get a 600+? or 650 hopefully?</p>
<p>Which one did you guys get as one of the sent comp answers:</p>
<p>I put the latter (concise and elaborate seem contradictory).</p>
<p>Also, my friend put hackneyed for one of the answers put I remember crossing hackneyed off.</p>
<p>hackneyed was definately wrong. I put concise/elaborate. </p>
<p>It was actually a vocabulary question. It was: They teacher's instructions were _____ and _____: they were brief but instructional.</p>
<p>SO the words were supposed to be (slightly) contradictory.</p>
<p>Darn, I put succinct and enlightened. >_></p>
<p>sungchul you are right
succint and enlightening is correct</p>
<p>wait ui put concise and elaborate...... why wouldnt that be right</p>
<p>they sorta contradict each other? lol</p>
<p>ya ure right........... dumb mistakes dumb mistakes</p>
<p>cuz it says that speech? can education ppl? sort like that meaning..so it is enlighten</p>
<p>i just looked at the first word//////////////// ughgughgughugughguhguhgughguhgughghughughughughguhguhgughugh</p>
<p>wow im gonna get in the 500s</p>
<p>For that one, I put ____ and mundane (ordinary?)</p>
<p>oh! So, did anybody think the comparative passage one with the comic books was easy? (I REALLY hope that wasn't experimental lol.)</p>
<p>comic books was not expirmental....</p>
<p>ok. which was the passage in which most of the questions were only abt the meaning of the words. coz I thought that to be the experimental one???</p>
<p>did anyone put "guarded" for one of the quesitons?</p>
<p>I didn't know that one; I just put decisive.</p>