January Subject Tests

<p>The UPenn website says that Jan. tests are only accepted if they are retakes. I'm taking a third SAT subject test to improve my score. Does this count as a re-take, even if I didn't take the literature one specifically before? Does re-take mean that we had to send the score report to them one time before the Jan. one? Thanks!</p>

<p>I believe they mean retakes of subject tests you’ve already taken.</p>

<p>While we’re on the subject, I took Biology-E in October and got 760, and will be re-taking it in January along with other tests (lower scores than Bio last time) in hopes of improving my results. Should I re-take it as Bio-E? I was planning on taking it the Molecular this time, but I’m not sure if that would count as a re-take or a different exam…</p>

<p>and for january retaking, are we compulsory to rush the scores to upenn?? i have wasted so much money on SAT and i wish to save as much as possible now :)</p>

<p>Just curious as to where you found the information about the retakes, as I am a bit confused about this as well. My subject test scores are not very high, and I plan to “retake” them (2 old subjects + 1 new one) in January.</p>

<p>In the pdf supplement to Penn, the timetable says this:
January 24 Last SAT testing date for Regular Decision applicants.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, on the College Board Website, it says this with regards to the SAT/ACT score report due date:
SAT®/ACT™ score report: 01-Jan</p>

<p>Does anyone know which timetable is correct, and if January scores are indeed valid as the supplement states?</p>

<p>From Penn’s website:


<p>It doesn’t mention rushing January scores, although perhaps contact the admissions office if you are concerned.</p>