Jefferson Scholars 2020

@lukealambo im not familiar with how successful alternates are, sorry! However, I do have a question. How were you informed that you were an alternate - was it a phone call, email etc.?

@kobe248224 I received an email from the Jefferson Scholars Foundation saying to check my updated status by following a given link and it took me to my application and there was a PDF attached updating me on my status


@mhilt52 mine is Saturday, good luck to you too!

@kobe248224 thank you so much! hope you make it to charlottesville :slight_smile:

@idlabach20 thank you so much! I hope you make it to Charlottesville too!

I had my interview a week ago, does anyone know what this means? If you are not selected as a finalist, are you even notified that you didn’t make the cut?

@kobe248224 In my region, all applicants were notified of their status at the same time.

@mathhappy How many days after the interview were you notified?

@kobe248224 I was notified a few days after my interview, but clearly your region operates a bit differently. Perhaps some of the nominees haven’t interviewed yet, so they’re waiting for them before sending out decisions.

Yea my region definitely operates differently, but they said all interviews will take place on the same day. Regardless, thanks so much for your help!

@kobe248224 My region wanted to do all of them on the same day, but I had a legitimate conflict with the second round date, so they moved mine to a few days later (probably delaying notification for everyone else). It’s possible that they did the same thing for someone in your region

Makes sense, thanks for your help!

Hi everyone!

I had my interview on Saturday (Feb 8), and found out today (Feb 10) that I am a finalist. If you’re also headed to Charlottesville, congratulations, and I hope to see you there!

Based on what I’ve read, I think my region was on the later side for interview timing, so this might be irrelevant, but I just wanted to say something to everyone waiting on an interview/results:

I was lucky to get my results pretty quickly, but I spent the better part of two days overanalyzing and convincing myself I had bombed it. I came out pretty confident, but the more I thought about it, the more I found issues with my answers and the more I wished I had said some things differently. One of my favorite teachers just kept telling me that with interviews, you tend to do better than you think, and I needed to trust myself and whatever capability I showed. Please, please do just that – trust yourself. If you’re anxiously awaiting a result, chances are, you did better than you thought you did, whether you advance or not.

Whatever the results, know that you’ve done so well. Getting to this point shows how much potential you have and how special and capable you are. This should be a confidence-boosting, educational process for all of us no matter at which point it ends. It’s good to challenge and critique yourself, but sometimes, we need to pause to pat ourselves on the back just a little. The growth we gain from a process like this is something to be proud of.

That’s all. I just thought maybe someone else needed to hear that as much as I did. Whether happens/happened, trust how incredible you are and that no matter the Jefferson result, your future will come together in the most amazing ways if you keep chugging forward. Be excited – you have so much to offer!

If you have any questions, etc, or just want to chat, let me know!

– A fellow stressed senior, also anxious to know what the future holds

So of those who were selected as Jefferson Scholars, what is everyone thinking? Any decisions one way or the other? I know many of you have some great options as far as other top programs and schools.

Congrats on being selected as a finalist! Hope all is well! Do you happen to remember any of the questions asked? Thanks!