<p>I know that JHU ED decisons are being mailed out in 10 days (YAYYYYYY!)
But I was just wondering what you all though my chances are:
What are my chances?</p>
<p>About me:
Ethnicity: African-American (Nigerian specifically)
Gender: Female
GPA: Unweighted: 3.4733
GPA: Weighted: 4.1198
Grades: Mostly As and Bs</p>
<p>SAT Scores:
Critical Reading: 610
Writing: 640 (essay: 12)
Math: 680</p>
<p>SAT II Scores:
Math II: 610
U.S. History: 680</p>
<p>APs Already Taken:
AP US History
AP English Lang&Comp</p>
<p>APs Currently Taking:
AP Statistics
AP Psychology
AP Calc AB</p>
<p>All other classes: Honors and Adv. Honors</p>
<p>More About me:
-Peer Counselor
-Co-Editor-in-Chief of my school's student run magazine for past 2 years
-Co-President of Club Council (sub-division of student council)
-Founding Member of student run mentoring program for at-risk Black students at my school (community service)
-Teen Reporter for Teen Diaries Online.com (Teen Diaries Blog)
-Member of school's Girl's JV Tennis team for 3 years
-Radio Show host Contributor to school's student run Radio Project/Show
-Previously taught Italian to elementary school students after school
-Assists counselors in the Guidance Department with office work (community service)</p>
<p>Very good recommendations (even one from JHU professor who was my summer instructor)</p>
<p>Essay: Very personal about overcoming my internalized racism and prejudices through my love of music and the racial diversity of my public high school</p>
<p>Schools applying to:
Johns Hopkins University- ED</p>
<p>RD to:
Duke University
Lehigh University
Harvard University
Villanova University
Brown University
George Washington University
Loyola Maryland University</p>
<p>So, what do you all think? Do I have a chance?</p>