<p>I just wanted to know how much attention do the admissions officers at JHU pay towards SAT I scores ? Because i read somewhere here in this section where AdmissionsDaniel said that SAT is given importance, while on another thread it was said JHU does not give alot of importance to SAT I scores.</p>
<p>I know that anyone with a score like 1400 or 1600 would be kidding himself/herself but what about those who get a score within or above the 88th percentile ( like 1900 or above ?) who have a very strong school record and good EC's ?</p>
<p>JHU is one of the few schools that <em>really</em> does look at you holistically. I heard in an info session by an admissions reader that if you have done something phenomenal/made a difference, have a strong record, but have mediocre SAT I scores, you still stand a chance of admittance. My SAT I is sub-2000s but I have a very strong transcript/ECs and I’m applying anyway.</p>
<p>To learn more about how we evaluate applications, you can read past Hopkins Insider Blog entries on how the Application File Review Process works:</p>