JMU Early Action for Fall of 2023

Thank you again! Is the audition from the in person day recorded and/or significantly more important than the supplemental videos sent in? If someone’s live dance was markedly better since they have improved greatly since time of supplemental recording, will that supplemental video hurt them in any way?



If a person auditioned live we have the notes from that day. The videos submitted are suplemental only.

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No I think you just get accepted and sign up for classes later. They know the major you selected.

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Anyone with thoughts on when scholarships might be posted ??


They said mid-February in my son’s acceptance letter…


Anyone know when aid packages will come out?


OOS dc got merit last night. Not a lot but some to put it back on her list to do accepted students day later this month.


My OOS student recieved an email that he was awarded the Madison Scholarship of Academic Excellence yesterday.


Did your child fill out specific scholarship application? My son was accepted into honors college but hasn’t been awarded any merit so far

He did apply for the Second Century scholarship, but not for the one he received.

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Congratulations to those that received word on scholarships. Do we know if this was a one time drop for scholarships or does JMU typically roll out offers over a week or 2 week period ??

I believe I mentioned it earlier, but my S19 was not offered his Madison scholarship until the last week of March. He was sent an email from his Department head (IA) asking if he was interested.


My OOS son was offered a two year on campus housing allowance merit scholarship. He did not receive any email. Just saw it in the scholarship portal.


Congrats. What type of stats did he have?

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Are people getting any merit offers? I’m a little confused right now. My OOS daughter received a “preliminary” financial offer tonight. For context, she is Valedictorian of her class, 1480 SAT, 4.0 uw on IB track with good ECs. JMUs offer was……… zero. Not a dollar. She has been offered big money from supposedly higher tier schools. Curious what stats people have that are getting merit money. JMU was her safety that her principal and college counselor were like” oh you’ll Get a full ride there”

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same here efc ~15k, getting pell grants only and no merit

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my OOS daughter, lower stats than your daughter, good ECs received her preliminary fin aid offer. also $0

OOS daughter. Similar stats. 4.5 w. ACT 34
Student council President. Yada yada yada

Like others. Accepted at higher ranked schools with significant merit dollars. Kind of weird but colleges all have agenda’s. OOS kids at JMU may NOT be what they are looking for !!!

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Out of curiosity, how does the price of JMU with no merit compare to the higher ranked schools with merit?

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Public VA schools are very stingy with financial aid. I remember being shocked and angry when my very high stats older S - valedictorian, finished calculus in 8th grade and from a poor, few opportunities part of the state where such a thing is super rare, both H & I are alums along with a slew of S’ aunt/uncles - got zero dollars from VT. As someone told me, the schools don’t have to give merit money. They have tons of wealthy parents from nova who would be happy to pay full price.

That being said, I remember when younger S was applying to JMU, his madison was offered end of March. And I recall several OOS parents saying in April they were receiving last minute merit offers. Similarly, my niece at VT was ED and full pay. She received $3000 over the summer and each year that she’s done well, they randomly find money money for her. The same happened to me two hundred years ago.

Bottom line, I wouldn’t count on it, but it’s possible something may come. I am surprised a guidance counselor would say that someone would likely get a full ride. When younger S was applying to JMU, they said only 5% get merit aid. And I think the only full ride possibility was the dingledine, which you had to apply for separately very early on - we missed it ourselves as JMU wasn’t high on our radar at that point.