JMU Early Action for Fall of 2023

This is the third school that while technically are strong matches she really considered safeties that’s she’s been deferred from. Also deferred from a reach and another match. No acceptances. She has one other safety in the RD round, a few more matches, and two more reaches. I am fairly confident one of these deferrals will be an acceptance eventually, as per our experience with our son, but this was really unexpected. Thanks!

Same here! But she’s choosing Penn at I think


Article about the record number of EA applications Records fall - JMU


Did you call the school to see if they could provide you information? They said on their Instagram page they welcome questions.

Had my son not gone through the same thing a few years ago, I think I would encourage her to do that. But based on his experience and her all As for first semester, which she will submit, I assume, I think it’s okay to wait and keep fingers crossed for RD. Honestly, it doesn’t leave me feeling great about the school though and, having attended there, I have always been a fan! In fairness, my son chose a different school–surprisingly got into his very highest reach–so maybe that didn’t help.


Accepted!! Very excited since JMU required a portfolio submission/review and interview for my major…

In-State/Out of State: OOS - PA
Major: BFA - Graphic Design
College: Art and Design
GPA: 4.7w/4.0uw
SAT: 1340
2 varsity sports, NHS, lots of ECs and volunteer work, good recco from professional artist

My decision just got really hard…


My son got accepted for Computer Science!!

In State
Computer Science
4.3 w gpa
SAT - I have no idea, lol, but he submitted it.
5 APs, 6 DE classes
NHS, Tri-M, volunteer work, CS independent study…


Accepted: Son, In-State
ACT 33 with 34 superscore
GPA 4.13 (weighted)
2 AP Classes; 7 Dual Enrolled Courses

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Daughter got accepted! She is super happy!
OOS, Florida
4.27 w GPA
Full IB program, 1 AP, 1 DE, 2 GSCE, 6 Honors
Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Varsity Volleyball Award, Varsity Volleyball/Soccer, FBLA president, 3 Marketing Internships, 9 Honor Societies, 245 community service hours. Lived in different countries/speaks multiple languages.
Congratulations to everyone!


My daughter just came in from work. It seems like I’ve been waiting forever.
Happily she was accepted.
4.5 w/GPA
30 ACT (Covid cancelled retake so one and done)
1 sport/varied but typical ECs
8 APs

It seems like a long wait to see if there is any merit. She is in with great scholarship at South Carolina so it is still at the top of her list. VT might top SC. I loved JMU but wish we had an idea if there was any scholarship money. It is still in the running. Congratulations everyone!


3.1 uGPA
1130 SAT
1 AP


JMU Honor College results are in!


@Panther_1986 In the case of your daughter it could be her chosen major–especially if it was computer science or engineering. However, deferment is hopefully just a delay in her acceptance. Hope it works out.

Son accepted but deferred for Honors, which is a bit of a bummer.

3.8 uGPA, 4.3 weighted
1400 SAT
Lots of APs
Top 5% of class
Out of state
Good activities and volunteer work

Guess we should just be happy he got in and has JMU as an option. Congrats/good luck to others.


Daughter accepted and also made it into the dance program. She is so excited. This was her top choice. Deposit has already been made!
Best wishes to all who were deferred!


Congratulations to your son!

There are a few majors at JMU (mostly majors in the College of Visual and Performing Arts) that require a student to go through a separate application process (including an audition, portfolio review, and/or interview) and allow a student to be admitted to the major at the point of entry to the university prior to matriculating. These majors also provide opportunities for current JMU students to apply to the major.

Most majors at JMU allow any academically admitted student who matriculates to declare the major. Matriculated students will receive login information that allows them to start the orientation process and declare a major. Some of the majors then require students to complete requisites prior to formally being admitted to the major, others have criteria for continuing in the major.

If your son looks at the major(s) in which he is interested he should be able to see in the catalog and on the major(s) website(s) if there are criteria to be met to formally declare/be admitted to the major.

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Thank you so much. For those who already auditioned for musical theatre and who have been accepted academically (yay), but portal still says pending for MT, do they just wait now till after the last audition date? When should they expect to come off pending and was anyone already accepted or denied for MT?

Thank you so much. This was very helpful


Congratulations on EA academic admission!

Students who have already auditioned who were admitted EA academically and still have their artistic admissions pending will find out their artistic admissions status after all auditions are complete, generally around the middle to end of February.

Some EA academically admitted students have been admitted artistically and some denied artistically. The majority are still pending for musical theatre.