JMU or Virgina Tech for Pre-med

<p>So Im a highschool senior and I'm torn between Tech and JMU for next year. I want to major in something with nutrition such as Dietetics (at JMU) or Human nutrition food and exercise (at Tech) but follow a Pre-Med track. So does any one know which school offers a better Pre-Med program? Also, I feel like i'd be able to get better grades at JMU but the Human nutrition food and exercise major at Tech is EXACTLY what i want to study.</p>

<p>If Tech is conducive to your academic goals, I would go there. However, in general nutrition/exercise science aren’t the best pre-med majors. I’m not saying you shouldn’t choose them, only that you should only choose them if they are something you really want to do as a career alternative to medicine, not because you think they will help you get into medical school.</p>

<p>The major actually requires most of the same courses with the exception of Physics and it is what I want to do with my career! I Hope to be an MD who specializes in Nutrition.</p>

<p>Does anyone else know anything about their pre-med programs?</p>

<p>It’s not the actual courses that concern me, it’s the fact that there is some bias among medical schools against vocational majors. However, if you legitimately are interested in being focused on nutrition then I think you shouldn’t go ahead and be a nutrition major, perhaps even consider a masters in it before or during medical school.</p>