Virginia Tech or Drexel Honors?

<p>I'm going to do the pre-med track, and I'm deciding between Drexel Honors and Virginia Tech. At Tech, I'd do Human Nutrition Food and Exercise, and at Drexel I'd do Biology with the four year, 1 co-op option or the 5 year, 3 co-op. Can anyone in either of these schools/programs shed some light on my decision? Also still waiting to see my aid package from Tech, but Drexel Pennoni gave me $17k/year (for 5 years). Thanks!</p>

<p>Even with the Drexel aid it is going to cost you probably 10,000 more per year if VT gives you nothing (and you are OOS). If you are in-state the difference would be even larger. I’d suggest VT from a cost standpoint alone.</p>

<p>I’d also recommend that you check to see that Human Nutrition and Exercise meets all the requirements for a pre-med track. VT also has a Biology major and a new Medical school.</p>