Job after college with a 3.1 GPA and no work experience?

<p>I have a friend in this situation. I think he is a senior at Virginia tech (Pamplin) or UVA Business school. How hard would it be for him to find a job after college. I tell him it will next to impossible because of the lack of experience over the gpa. If it is impossible, what would his next step be?</p>

<p>PS: I will be a freshman at VT next year, GO HOKIES!!</p>

<p>He needs to find some job. Any job. It may not be his dream job, but not many people start in their dream job. Maybe it’s just being a sandwich artist. Getting something on that resume is key.</p>

<p>So lets assume, it is the end of the spring semester. He still has a 3.1 gpa and no work experience. What is possibility he get any job after college. I dont think he cares about it being a dream job, but any job with a decent starting salary of 30,000+</p>

<p>What is he interested in? He needs to find an area of interest and build on it.</p>

<p>He seriously has no internships, no co-op participation, nothing?</p>

<p>Finding a job beyond retail and burger joints is not as easy as having a diploma and waving it at employers.</p>

<p>So he has no chance for a job. Thats what i thought. Im pretty sure he will end up gettingnhis first intership after college.</p>

<p>He should go to his career advising office, they can get him started with a search. I graduated from college 30 years ago. The career advising office where I went to school was very good and with their help I got my first job through an alumni contact. When I graduated the people who didn’t get jobs were the ones who didn’t look but I know the market is harder now.</p>

<p>His grade point won’t hold him back, employers might ask about it but they will be more interested in what he has studied. He needs to interview well. I know people, myself included, who haven’t gotten a job because they blew the interview.</p>

<p>@primeboss – I cross-posted with you. Isn’t an internship a job?</p>

<p>“No chance” is too strong, but he’ll definitely be at a disadvantage.</p>

<p>Arent most internships un paid? If not, hard is it to find internships?</p>

<p>Sorry for double post, but he is a Buisness information technology major (BIT)</p>

<p>considering most Americans don’t have a college degree, I think he will be able to find a job.</p>

<p>a “good” job right away? less likely.</p>

<p>Many internships are paid, unless you happen to go into an industry like writing where the owner might not be making enough money to pay you. Personally I was offered a few payed ones out of high school for engineering.</p>

<p>I’m in a similar situation right now, I graduated with a 3.2 and got my BS in Accounting with very little experience (just a 2 month internship) and i’m having severe trouble finding employment. If he has a strong network or good networking skills he shouldn’t worry, i’m terrible at this and its pretty much limiting my prospects to online postings and jobs through placement agencies. I myself am still looking for internships or maybe temporary work to build my resume but i’m staying optimistic, grad school is always an option also even though it will mean building more debt.</p>