Job vs Varsity Sport

Hi all! I am a rising senior in high-school. For some context, I plan on doing software engineering, cybersecurity, and business in college. I did JV tennis in junior year. I recently got a job at a luxury car dealership as a receptionist. I’m assuming that this job would help the business aspect of my college career. I was going to do varsity tennis this year, but the job and tennis schedule conflict. I was wondering which one looks better for college applications, I don’t really know what to do. Will they favor one over the other?

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Which one do you want to do? Let’s hypothetically suppose that it makes no difference at all to your chances of getting accepted to universities. In that case, what would be right for you?

Also, you might want to read this blog:

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Do the thing you will enjoy the most. Having a job is a good thing, and being on a sports team is as well.


Both will help your applications; neither will help more than the other. I agree you should do what you like most. If it’s a tie, the fact that this is probably the last time you’ll have a chance to be on a tennis team would give the team the edge (in my opinion).

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As stated you do you. Colleges do like job’s. That will probably outweigh a sport BUT it’s not going to be the reason you get accepted or denied. So, don’t over think it. If your good enough to be on varsity and it’s something you enjoy, then do that.

You will get into college based on your academic stats. While we don’t know where you’re looking, there are many colleges that look only at your stats and not at your ECs.

That you are involved is what matters.

If you need the money or want to work, it’s great.

But you only have a chance to be a high school athlete once, and that’s fantastic too.

It’s really what you want. Neither will likely move the needle and if one did, I’m not sure which would.

And it’s also very possible that neither would matter at all - i.e. you could do neither and get into the exact same colleges depending on where you’re applying.

Best of luck.

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