I’m currently a high school junior and on the girls’ tennis team. I’m only on JV (I joined last year) and I plan to complete this season, but tennis has been incredibly time-consuming, since practice ends at 6:30-6:45. I was wondering if I should quit next year as a senior, due to college apps and most likely a job. Would quitting look bad on college applications? I truly like playing tennis, but I’m not sure if I’m willing to commit so much time every day solely for that. I view it as more of a hobby than anything else.
I’m also an officer of a school animal/environment community service club, a general member in two other clubs, I’m taking 2 APs, and I’m hoping to get into a UC (pre-pharm or physical therapy). I’m planning to get a job next year (like I said) possibly as a tutor.
Thanks to anyone that can give me advice 
Since you do not intend to be a recruited athlete it won’t hurt. Your choice of priorities could make for a good college essay.
You’re still using that time to engage in a constructive, extra-curricular activity.
If I were your mom, and if you didn’t really need the money, I’d suggest stay with tennis and forget the job. High school jobs are rarely interesting – though in themselves they are a learning opportunity of sorts – and you yourself say you enjoy tennis. Having said that, colleges won’t hold it against you for chosing to work instead – and as @TomSrOfBoston says, it might make an interesting essay topic.
Will you miss the social/team aspect or is it just a burden? Quitting would not look bad, it is just one less thing or year of involvement to put on your app. Manage your schedule and priorities. If other things suffer because of tennis, you have to make the choice. For reference, I have a pro tennis player who played college tennis and another who quit the team after freshman year of high school for exactly the reasons you state. So we have been there. A sport is a major commitment, you seem to have other ECs you can focus on along with making good grades for those competitive majors you are considering. If you quit, keep playing for fun - it’s a great sport to grow old with! And you can play rec or club tennis in college and make friends. If you are considering the UCs and PT, you may want to also consider Cal Poly for their Kinesiology program. Good luck!