John Jay Scholars?

<p>Anyone else on here?
I just realized that I got this. Was logging back into my app to read the letter again when I saw the words at the top "Page 1 of 2". I was like, "wait.." scrolled down, and saw ANOTHER congratulations letter. Dang!
Not exactly sure what a John Jay Scholar IS, but hey. :)</p>

<p>I got a second letter too but it was the “Kluge Scholars” program. Don’t exactly know the difference but well done man!</p>

<p>This should clear things up:</p>

<p>[The</a> Scholars Program](<a href=“]The”>The Named Scholars | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering)</p>


<p>I wonder what the criteria are for this. oh, where did they send you this letter? on the same page as where they told you you were admitted?</p>

<p>It acknowledges that you guys were overqualified :)</p>

<p>I was a Kluge Scholar too.</p>

<p>It’s a scholarship program at columbia: John Jay, Kluge, CP Davis (For SEAS) and Global Scholars.
I guess the coolest thing about the scholar’s program is that they turn your loans into grants. You also have research opportunities, speaker events, roundtables and the like that you’re invited to attend. </p>

<p>But, before anyone asks, and I’m saying this because it was one of the concerns I had while I was at Columbia–it doesn’t really differentiate you from the rest of the class unless you make it known :)</p>

<p>John Jay is pretty incredible!</p>


I keep on telling you you’re smart, and you never believe me.</p>

<p>lol after reading this thread i went back and realized that i also had a 2nd page…since I had never read past the word “Congratulations!” I’m a C.P. Davis scholar!!! :D</p>

<p>FYI, there have been lots of threads on this from previous years</p>

<p>yeah guys, use the search :]
I got Kluge too and I searched it, the threads from before are pretty helpful</p>

<p>“I keep on telling you you’re smart, and you never believe me.”</p>

<p>still don’t. But we can fight over this later :slight_smile: x</p>

<p>Does anybody know their criteria for selection?</p>

<p>top 8-10% of the incoming class is what i was told, but I’m inclined to think this is BS. It’s more likely that you did something that differentiates you from the rest of the applicant pool</p>

<p>yeah that would make sense cerberus, because how would they know the cutoff for the top 10% of gpa and such without having admitted everyone yet</p>

<p>I sorta imagined that they had some weird system of scoring you based on a combination of factors, including academic achievements and then took the top 10% of those…ok that’s definitely BS. I have way too much time on my hands today :D</p>

<p>there’s no rhyme or reason to it, or if there is, it’s certainly not based on high school GPA whatsoever. I had a 3.3 unweighted (3.9 weighted) and was a CP Davis scholar.</p>

<p>Did you all applied for ED?//</p>

<p>1) This thread was 2 months old. You couldn’t just ask your question about scholars?</p>

<p>2) Yes, when I applied the 2nd time (and got in), I applied ED.</p>

<p>dang i’m so envious… my friend got the john jay scholar thing last year… i’m still working on getting in :P</p>