Johns Hopkins 2020 Waitlist

Hey guys! Figured I would start a thread. I heard that much less students were admitted this year? Does anyone know the reason why, or have any guesses on how that would affect the waitlist numbers?

Hey, idk why nobody has posted here but it looks like Yale and Chicago are already sending out waitlist offers so I’m hopeful Hopkins will do the same soon too

I got a waitlist interest form from Johns Hopkins today! Did everyone receive it, or just certain waitlisted students?

I got it too. I’m assuming it’s for everybody so Hopkins AO’s don’t have to waste time reviewing applicants that are no longer interested. Plus at the top it says that the email isn’t indicative of admission. Still have hope!

@student235, @athena234

I got an email too. I had opted for BME Major but when I click on the link to show interest it states my second choice. Are you guys seeing your first choice listed or is it your second choice?

Good luck and Best Wishes to both of you.

@Innovationdue My first choice was listed (chemistry). BME at Hopkins is really competitive

@athena234, Thank you for your response. Based on the forums it looks like there is no chance of moving in to BME program even after a year unless someone leaves the program and that rarely happens. Also it may be a good idea to check Reddit or other sites to see if the email went out to everyone on waitlist or just a select few. I will do research too and let you know what I find out.

@Innovationdue so far I know of one person who didn’t. Some people got text messages (I didn’t). Also, did you or @Student235 send a LOCI?

Yes, I did send LOCI. Just for stats purpose … one person out of how many that you got in touch with?

@Innovationdue 9. 8 did, 1 didn’t. All were from A2C, their discord, and this forum

@ athena234,

Thx for sharing the info. May be it is only the group of people who got the invite that posted. I guess it is hard to say. Let us all keep our fingers crossed. Good luck!!!

Yeah, it’s pretty strange because not a lot of people are talking about this. When washU sent out waitlist emails, everybody on A2C and CC were buzzing.

I also know of one person who did not receive the email. I received it earlier this morning.

@athena234, @moneyram please ask your friends to check their promotions/spam folder as well. Mine went to promotions folder.

@Innovationdue yep, they checked there too! No email.

@Innovationdue yeah I asked, they don’t have one.

I also sent in a letter of continued interest.

Didn’t get an email, but I didn’t send a LOCI either. :confused: when do you think they’ll start replying?

Have not received the e-mail either. LOCI was sent weeks ago.

I got the email yesterday morning. It says that it’s not indicative of admission, but still crossing my fingers. Regardless, I’m happy with the school I’m committing to. Good luck to everyone