
<p>I'm kinda bummed that it's so far from D2 and West End + all male, but we were lucky enough to get one of the rooms with the big window space. Any things to be wary of?</p>

<p>Yeah, it’s just far from most on-campus places you’ll be going. You are, however, very close to town.</p>

<p>And Owens isn’t nearly as bad as some people would have you think!</p>

<p>It’s also very close to Owens, Hokie Grill, and Squires, which is where I ended up getting most of my food anyways.</p>

<p>Vawter is literally 10 seconds from Hokie Grill and Owens…I had a friend who lived in Vawter and we would joke around because the inside looked like something out of an insane asylum. There are big, long, hallways and the stairwells look sorta shady but at least you can meet a lot of people there. And I would not say it is so far from D2…I mean a 3-5 minute walk??? Thats manageable right?</p>

<p>I think Vawter/Barriger(where I lived freshman year)/Miles and the like are better than AJ/Pritchard/etc. The rooms are basically the same and the location isn’t quite as convenient, but there’s definitely a better sense of community in the smaller dorms. When I was in Barringer I knew everybody on my floor and just about everybody on the first floor. In AJ it wasn’t like that at all.</p>