Johnson Scholarship -- Class of 2022

Is that a de facto admission decision as I don’t think they’re announcing RD this early?

@abefroman The Johnson thread from last year said that if you’re invited to the Johnson interview you are going to be admitted to W&L absent some huge problem cropping up either while you’re there or in the interim – that is, if you insult a professor, run naked through the campus and get arrested, or are revealed to be serial sex offender. Otherwise, an invitation to interview for the scholarship means you are in the top tier of the applicant pool. I realize that not all great applicants also apply for the Johnson.

Thanks @david5454. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for Friday!

Is everyone still showing the Johnson Scholarship line in the “check list”? Son’s is, but it sounds like it disappeared for some people?

It is still there. What disappeared was a tab at the top for the Johnson.

Did anyone receive an email letting them know it would be available on GHQ tonight @ 8? (I did not) but curious if others received anything. I only saw the tweet from admissions.

No email here. I just checked the admissions webpage and there’s nothing there about 8pm tonight yet either. (It still talks about EDII on 1/26.)

Good luck to all those applying! I remember being in your shoes for our student last year. She got the Johnson and her experience has been incredible. I’ll post something later about what the weekend entailed for her.

Johnson alert email is out.

W&L sent an e-mail with the title “Your Johnson Scholarship Application to W&L” and body reading as
"We are writing to let you know that on Friday, February 2, beginning at 8:00 p.m. EST, your admission decision will be available through your account in our online applicant portal, the GHQ. "

I guess - Johnson Scholarship decision will be posted tonight.

Best of luck to all.

S got the alert email and logged into portal. The view has completely changed. There is no longer an application checklist with a dozen or so items (test scores, recs, etc). Now there is only “Your Checklists” at the top then below that: “Johnson Checklist”. Then a bar with “Status/Details/Date”. What does your portal look like now?


DS got the email as well. It sure makes it sound like an admission decision and not just a yes/no on an invitation to interview for the Johnson Scholarship. Hmmm. We’ve got our fingers crossed as W&L would be such a good fit for him on so many levels.

It will be strange if the only ‘admission decision’ received is a ‘no’ on the johnson. That’s not really an admission decision the way we all think about it. Do you think they just made a poor language choice, and what they really mean is ‘decision on Johnson scholarship’???

Does everyone’s portal now look like this:

skip to main content


Application Status for [name deleted]
Your Checklists
Johnson Checklist
Status Details Date

They tweeted out the “admissions” language was sent in error. Tonight will only be a Johnson decision.

@bfc2014 thank the lord I got really nervous lol

Here’s the latest tweet from W&L Admissions:

“NOTICE: Some applicants may have received an email saying that “Admissions Decisions” would be released tonight. This message was sent in error. Johnson Scholarship information will be released tonight. We apologize for any confusion.”

This still doesn’t explain the ‘Johnson Checklist’ that now appears in the portal. It will be strange if a Johnson checklist appears in portals of applicants who are turned down for the interview – but anything is possible.

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Is the checklist still there? It was on mobile 2 minutes ago. Logged in on the desktop and it was gone (and is now also gone on mobile). I don’t think I’d read too much into what appears to be a handful of technical issues.

Yes, the portal is back to normal. We’ll all get the real story later on today!