Judge me, for the love of God!!!!!

<p>I hate chance threads. They're useless. They're inaccurate.</p>

<p>With that said it's a Friday night and I'm taking notes for Economics so I figure I probably can't sink any lower.</p>

<p>Asian male attending somewhat competitive public school in Southern california</p>

<p>GPA: 3.6uw, ~4.0w, ~3.8 UC GPA
Rank: N/A I'd guess maybe top 10%-15%
SAT I: 2330 composite (730cr, 800m, 800w)
SAT IIs: 790 math iic, 780 chemistry, 780 writing, 770 us history, 730 bio
APs: Chem 5, Bio 5, Calc AB 5, US History 4, Lang 4, this year taking Calc BC, Economics, Lit (school offers about 10)
[ul][<em>]piano 8 years, certificate of merit level advanced, southwestern festival 2002 1st place
[</em>]high school marching band 4 years, clarinet section leader
[<em>]president of math club
[</em>]president of knowledge bowl club (similar to quiz bowl I think)
[<em>]member of key club, chess club for 2 years, tutoring club president junior year
[</em>]XC / Track 9th grade
Other stuff: came to U.S. when I was eight</p>

<p>Stuff I didn't put in my applications but probably should have: Can solve Rubik's Cube in 1:30 seconds, Godly at DDR, built my own computer, grammar freak.</p>

<p>Essays: They were okay. I don't think they're going to make me or break me.
Recommendations: Pretty good I think</p>

<p>Colleges from which I am waiting to hear(yes I know lotta reaches):
U Penn

<p>An acceptance to any one of these would be great. What do you think my chances are? 5%? 1%? 0.01%? -infinity%?</p>

<p>Also just for fun, here are the schools from which I've already heard:</p>

<p>Yale EA

<p>Try to guess the results...5 internet brownie points each.</p>

<p>Sweet SAT Scores :)</p>

<p>But All those are super reaches, except maybe UCLA, UCSD, and UCI. I'll give you a 3%, that's quite generous, actually.</p>

<p>I'll bite: </p>

<p>Harvard - Probably not
Stanford - Probably not
Cornell - Probably
U Penn - Probably not
Duke - Probably not
Berkeley - Probably
Columbia - Probably not</p>

<p>The others:</p>

<p>Yale EA - Rejected
UCLA - Accepted
UCSD - Accepted
UCI - Accepted
MIT - Rejected</p>

<p>With all honesty, I'd put you out of the running from all the Ivys and Eastcoasters(and Stanford).
For the UC's I'd say that you are in at UCSD, and UCI.
possibly in at Berkeley and LA</p>

<p>As for Ivy percentages I'll give them at under 1%. (Unless you discover the cure for cancer in tonights dreams or become elected to the presidency of the United States)</p>


<p>UCB: Match</p>

<p>So tell us the results that have happened already!</p>

<p>yeah.. fo sho :)</p>

<p>yeah i wanna know too!</p>

<p>Here's my guesses:</p>

<p>Harvard- Rejected
Stanford- Rejected
Cornell- Accepted
U Penn- Accepted
Duke- Rejected
Berkeley- Accepted
Columbia- Rejected</p>

<p>Yale EA- Rejected
UCLA- Accepted
UCSD- Accepted
UCI- Accepted
MIT- Rejected</p>

<p>Oh why did someone revive this...I was bored when I made this.</p>

<p>Accepted at UCSD and UCI and rejected elsewhere.</p>

<p>Btw I'm impressed with the accuracy I've seen. Maybe chance threads are not totally worthless...</p>

<p>you got rejected from cornell :0!!! i'm scared!</p>

<p>that's supposed to be >:(</p>

<p>If you read my first post you will see that I didn't hear back from Cornell yet. But I probably will get rejected, yes. Did you apply there?</p>

<p>I would guess "yes" to all your california school's, "no" to MIT and Yale. All your tests and AP's are amazing, but your GPA is sorta "low" in terms of the schools that you are considering. However, I still feel you have a decent shot at Cornell.</p>

<p>ooh ok. no i did not apply-i am next year. you confused me when u said Accepted at UCSD and UCI and rejected elsewhere.
i think your a good candidate there and if you get rejected at cornell i would be surprised</p>

<p>1'30'' is slow...</p>

<p>wow, sucks you have a low GPA.</p>