<p>I hate chance threads. They're useless. They're inaccurate.</p>
<p>With that said it's a Friday night and I'm taking notes for Economics so I figure I probably can't sink any lower.</p>
<p>Asian male attending somewhat competitive public school in Southern california</p>
<p>GPA: 3.6uw, ~4.0w, ~3.8 UC GPA
Rank: N/A I'd guess maybe top 10%-15%
SAT I: 2330 composite (730cr, 800m, 800w)
SAT IIs: 790 math iic, 780 chemistry, 780 writing, 770 us history, 730 bio
APs: Chem 5, Bio 5, Calc AB 5, US History 4, Lang 4, this year taking Calc BC, Economics, Lit (school offers about 10)
[ul][<em>]piano 8 years, certificate of merit level advanced, southwestern festival 2002 1st place
[</em>]high school marching band 4 years, clarinet section leader
[<em>]president of math club
[</em>]president of knowledge bowl club (similar to quiz bowl I think)
[<em>]member of key club, chess club for 2 years, tutoring club president junior year
[</em>]XC / Track 9th grade
Other stuff: came to U.S. when I was eight</p>
<p>Stuff I didn't put in my applications but probably should have: Can solve Rubik's Cube in 1:30 seconds, Godly at DDR, built my own computer, grammar freak.</p>
<p>Essays: They were okay. I don't think they're going to make me or break me.
Recommendations: Pretty good I think</p>
<p>Colleges from which I am waiting to hear(yes I know lotta reaches):
U Penn
<p>An acceptance to any one of these would be great. What do you think my chances are? 5%? 1%? 0.01%? -infinity%?</p>
<p>Also just for fun, here are the schools from which I've already heard:</p>
<p>Yale EA
<p>Try to guess the results...5 internet brownie points each.</p>