Juilliard Outfit

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I used to post here regularly a few years ago as a prospective BFA MT major. I after spending a year at a top MT Conservatory I left and have worked professionally in NY; however, I decided to apply and audition for Juilliard's Acting Program (which I did not do while in HS) to see what would happen.</p>

<p>Last time around, I wore a nice pair of Khaki pants and a button down shirt (very dress casual, in between normal school wear and going to see a Bway show wear, haha) and I found it very successful. However, I am really not sure what to wear to my Juilliard audition. (IMPORTANT: I am male)</p>

<p>I originally was planning on wearing a very nice pair of jeans with a tucked in nice button down shirt (slightly fancier than my past outfits because I did feel a little underdressed at the MT auditions). But, on the audition requirements page it says "Applicants are asked to wear comfortable clothing that permits freedom of movement." To me that sounds like jazz pants or breakaways with a T-Shirt or Polo... but I can't imagine that is what people wear to their Juilliard auditions.</p>

<p>So, preferably from someone who goes/went to Juilliard or at least from anyone who auditioned or knows what people actually wear, what are your thoughts? Jeans and button down (dressier or more casual?), or almost dance class-like clothes... What do most guys wear?</p>

<p>Thanks for your answers...</p>

<p>I answered this question when you posted over in the musical theater forum. :)</p>

<p>USN 120
For what it is worth - my daughter made it to the first round of callback last year along with 2 guys — both wearing jeans and button down shirts. We know one was callbacked to NYC and got in — not sure what happened to the other young man. Hope that helps!</p>