July 1 Application for admission for fall 2016

My DS got home and we immediately started the application process. However when it asks for term they only give the option of Fall 2015 and Summer 2015. Does this mean the application is not open yet for Fall 2016 freshman? Or is it a glitch?

Never mind called admissions and they are not opening the application till mid July. They do not have an exact date yet. :frowning: DS senior year starts in 2 weeks. He was hoping to have one application in before band camp and school.

I was in a similar boat as you. Our recruitment person checked and gave me the date of July 15. Just want to start getting things OFF the to-do list, ya know?

Huntsville’s application is live for 2016 if you want to get one knocked out!

DS only has Bama and NCSU that he is applying to. They must be waiting on the new President. I don’t know which one of us was the most excited to apply today. Such a downer.

Bummer! I checked today too and was disappointed to see that it wasn’t up yet. It’s nice to hear of an exact date though!

Had plans with S to fill out the app this weekend, but I guess we will wait until the 15th. Hopefully the scholarship criteria will also be posted by then.

Just FWIW- the other news the recruiter told me was that the admissions decisions will be pushed back until after Labor Day. I hope someone at Bama reads CC, so they know there are families waiting with baited breath!

I would think that Bama would like to have the info available to share with the kids/parents who are attending the Honors Academy as a number of the kids are likely OOS applicants whose consideration for attending Bama is based in part on the generous merit awards. The Honors Academy will host the kids beginning on July 19.