<p>This thread will serve the following purposes:</p>
<p>*A place to ask questions about Math II in general
*A location to share studying and preparation methods
*A place to talk about random things will fellow Math II takers
*A place to discuss the exam after finishing it
*A place to discuss curves and scores after they are released</p>
<p>GO APESHlT.</p>
<p>I’m planning on taking this. Getting an 800 is very possible using Barron’s prep book, right? Since the Math II curve is lenient.</p>
<p>^Yes, it’s quite possible. I think that about 10 percent of test takers get 800.</p>
<p>I am going to take it as well. I’m just starting to go through the prep book. June is coming too fast!</p>
<p>Are there any topics that I should make sure to go over that I wouldn’t have learned in Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, or Trigonometry? (Are there conics? Matrices?)</p>
<p>I heard the June curve is tough? But I’m not sure… any facts on that? And omg… I have like 2.5 weeks to learn all the material and practice -_- I’m in for a hard time</p>
<p>I’ll be taking it if I didn’t get 800 on the May test.</p>
<p>@youwrotethis: haha I know… I didn’t realize how soon the test was! I need to do a lot of cramming now D:</p>
<p>Also aiming for an 800 on this as well as for physics.</p>
<p>Yeah I am taking this in June as well.</p>
<p>Scores in a week for my May test…</p>
<p>So I’m guessing the curve isn’t so bad? A lot of you guys are hoping for 800s O_O</p>
<p>what study guide book would you guys recommend? i heard the mcgraw-hill’s is pretty good</p>
<p>Are Parametric Equations on this test? I haven’t even covered them after Calculus… -_-</p>
<p>Okay… I’m using Barron’s and it doesn’t even explain really what a Parametric Equation really is, it just kind of tells you what to do with them
Help? I have no idea what Tmin is -_-</p>
<p>so nervous i didnt do any studying yet just took a practice test from barrons and got a 730?!?!? I wanted an 800 it was alot harder then i thought!</p>
<p>@youwrotethis: The curve isn’t bad. You can get 800 with a raw score of 43/50, but of course it varies with each individual test.
@hockeygal93: I’m sure if you study and take another practice test you’ll do much better. Don’t freak out until you’ve reviewed everything :)</p>
<p>hey all, is it realistic for me to think i can get an 800 on the sat 2 even though i just got a 700 on the barrons test?</p>
<p>^ Yes, that’s very possible. Try an official test to see. Also, Princeton Review tends to be pretty accurate.</p>
<p>I’ve heard that Sparknotes tests are also pretty accurate</p>
<p>^ Yes, I heard that as well.</p>
<p>i just tried barron’s practice diagnostic test and got an 800 (2 wrong).
does that show im ready to get 800 in the june sat2 math2 test?
or is barron’s diagnostic test somewhat easier than the real one?</p>