Junior Mint's Chances

<p>GPA: 3.9 w/ 3.4(?) uw
Ranking: about 10%, not really sure since school doesnt rank
Female; Asian NJ</p>

<p>SAT: 2240/2400, 1540/1600: 800 CR, 740 M, 700 Writing (11 essay)
SATII: 800 Math IIC, 800 Chinese, 660 Chem (taking Lit French and US Hist later)
ACT: 33</p>

<p>Freshman and Sophomore Yr--all honors
Junior Yr--AP US History, AP Calc AB, AP English Language, AP French, Physics H
Prospective Sr Yr Schedule: AP Macro, AP Stat, AP English Lit, AP Bio, AP US Pol and Gov</p>

<p>ECs: Section Editor for school newspaper
GA/exec board for MUN
NHS(Community Service Director)
Mock Trial-co president
Symphonic Band Accompaniment for school orchestra and drama productions
piano for 11 years
flute for 6</p>

<p>Awards: Scholastic Writing Award: Regional--Silver Key
Township Young Musicians 2nd place 4 years in a row
one winner of Andrew DeGrado Piano Competition
Rutgers Model Congress--Outstanding Delegate in Advanced Committee
Rutgers Model UN--Best Position Paper '06, Outstanding Delegate '07
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music--Certification in Music Theory</p>

<p>Volunteering: Feed the Children, Habitat for Humanity, UNICEF, flute choir performances for nearby nursing homes, SHIPS Christmas Homeless Feast, assistant Sunday School teacher</p>

<p>Work Experience: Jersey Rehab Medical Center--clerical work, BlueSky Day Care as English teacher (in China), American Eagle (sales)</p>

<p>What are my chances for NYU CAS vs. Stern, RD vs ED?</p>

<p>Wow, great test scores, GPA is a little low (too late to pick up?) EC's look OK, looks like you can write and that's a big help with NYU's creative answer prompts.</p>

<p>ED is the way to go if it's your top school and money isn't much of an issue, Stern would be near impossible to get into with a 3.4 GPA.</p>

<p>Being a female from NJ might actually work a bit against you as well</p>

<p>Good Luck!
Try for CAS ED, might very well get into the General Study Program, they seem to accept kids that have either a great GPA and lower test scores or vice versa.</p>

<p>i doubt being from NJ will hurt you. anyway you have everything. GPA is not high but i have seen people get in with similar GPAs (not in general studies either)</p>

<p>I seen 3.4 GPAs get in but hey it's always best to have it the highest you can. The rest sounds pretty impressive.</p>