<p>I have been accepted into the Junior Statesman Summer School at Georgetown and I am not sure if I should attend or not.
There are 2 parts of my decision that haven't been made clear.</p>
<p>1) How good does this summer school with college credit look on a college application? It is probably the single most important factor in my decision. I don't want to participate in a program that will have little or no effect in my application. I'd rather choose a program that has a bigger effect on an application.</p>
<p>2)From those who have attended the JSA programs, what is the atmosphere like?
I recently visited East Coast schools, and I was shocked to learn that drinking and illegal smoking were actively happening on campus. I guess you could say I was naive, but that's not what I want to involve myself in. I know that it's happening on all campuses, but I think it will happen more frequently at certain schools. For example, campuses where there isn't much else to do outside of the school; partying is more frequent. I feel that colleges in major cities where there is a more active life, the amount of drug use is less. The point of my question is, is there a high amount of drug use by students in the program during the JSA Summer Schools?</p>
<p>Thank You for your answers.</p>