Junior Year in IB

<p>Hey guys, I'm a sophomore right now in pre-IB and I was wondering, how hard was your junior year? What were the harder or easier classes you took? Was it hard to balance IB with extracurriculars, the SAT, and cas hours? I really want to join the band as well, do you think that would be too much?</p>

<p>Also, we're choosing our classes for next year right now, how does my schedule look? Does it look too hard?
English HL (AP lit, required)
Psychology HL
Spanish HL
Science SL (Environmental systems)
Math SL, would it be better to take Math analysis or Calc Ab?
AP Music Theory</p>

<p>My schedule is pretty close to yours classes wise. English is a lot of work and essays. Psychology is really really interesting and teacher is chill so I don’t know how it will be structured for yours. Be prepared for notes. Necesita leer y hablar Espanol muy bien. I don’t know if I completely butchered that sentance beyond repair, but the message is clear. :slight_smile: And SL Math is like Pre-Calc, Calc, Trig, Algebra, lil’ Stats, and teeniest bit of Physics. But it’s not completely difficult, just stay on top of your work and pay attention. The class is easy then. I’m currently in band while doing IB, taking SAT’s and ACT’, and achieving CAS hours. You really need to do your work, have a planner, don’t stress too much, put effort and find long term CAS hours vs. short term ones since it’s easy to do and you get more hours. Finding time to study for ACT and SAT is really hard to do, but make time, even if it’s only 15 mins some days. And unles your band is super internationally renown and prone to traveling and staying after school till 8 every night(I am exaggerating), it’s doable. Like 98% of the IB kids at my school is involved in something that takes time out of school. Learn to love the busy</p>

<p>Well English HL is a huge workload. You’ll have plenty of books to be reading, and the translated texts can be somewhat difficult to understand.</p>

<p>If you’re not fluent at Spanish, do NOT take spanish HL. Believe me, taking any language at the HL level requires you to be very fluent. You need to be able to speak it almost as well as you speak English.</p>

<p>Math SL is pretty simple if you practice a little bit every week. Environmental Systems is one of the easiest subjects.</p>

<p>Yes, it would help if you took AP Calc AB since there isn’t a lot of differentiation/integration etc in Math SL if any at all (I don’t exactly remember).</p>

<p>Okay, so basically get either the SAT or ACT out of the way as fast as you can. What I did early junior year was study a lot during autumn break, and take the next available test. Once that’s over you’ll have a lot of extra time to do school stuff. And try to study as much as you can the summer before junior year too.</p>

<p>I’m currently a junior, and I still have to study for the ACT and two SAT IIs. It’s not easy to study for them all at home with all the homework, so try to study on the bus or before classes etc if you can. I know it’s a lot, but once you get it all over, you’ll have a much easier senior year (hopefully) where you can just focus on applications instead of retaking standardized tests.</p>

<p>Also you only listed 5 IB subjects. The diploma requires 6… (you might’ve just forgotten to type it in or maybe I skimmed through your post too quick).</p>

<p>English HL is required for all IB students at our school so I guess I’m prepared for that.</p>

<p>I’ve decided that I’m going to take spanish SL instead and I was thinking of taking IB music, where I’d take ap music theory first, but then I don’t know what my last HL subject would be, I was thinking of taking music HL but how difficult would that be? Wouldn’t I have to take IB music junior and senior, instead of taking ap music theory junior year and ib music just Senior year?</p>

<p>My school offers IB Music Theory and it is quite a class in terms of what you have to know. But if you take HL Music Theory it will be a 2 year class and the AP Music Theory class would be pointless.</p>

<p>Ok, then I’m completely lost on the last HL or subject, for our course choices this year we choose 5 classes and an elective, mostly aps. What was your junior year schedule?</p>