Junior year of high school blues

<p>Just wondering if any male aspiring engineer has been accepted to VT with a C for a second semester grade in physics as a junior? </p>

<p>The first semester grade was an A, resulting in a B for the year. Still, that C is pretty damning, I suspect.</p>

<p>Other grades in core classes are A's and B's, SAT scores are in the strike zone sought by VT for engineering, and course rigor is mostly there. By the time of graduation, student will have taken about 6 AP classes.</p>

<p>I realize that the high school transcript is all-important. Am I mistaken? Will one C doom this applicant?</p>

<p>I had a C my first semester in Physics, and a B for the second semester (keep in mind, B both quarters but failed the midterm). I feel like my GPA and SAT scores are still very well within range of VT and that one C during a semester won’t hurt very much.</p>

<p>Check with your GC to see exactly what is reported on your transcript. Many times the year end grade is what is actually reported on the transcript. That C may never be reported to colleges. It’s a blow to you, but the schools won’t know that you didn’t hold a solid B the entire year. Check this out before you beat yourself up.</p>

<p>The end of Jr year is a bear. You generally have SATs, APs, finals, searching for colleges. There is a lot of stress. Don’t put more on yourself. You’ll be fine.</p>