Chances for VT Engineering and/or University Studies?

UW GPA: 3.2
W GPA: 3.6
Class Rank: 92 out of 425; top 25%
SAT: 2160/1500; 740 Math, 760 Reading, 660 Writing
ACT: 32 cumulative
Taking 6 AP/ IB classes this year including IB Physics and AP Calc BC
Took 6 AP/IB classes in previous years, 12 altogether.
Ethnicity (if that helps): Hispanic
My grades are what I worry about, as a 3.2 seems a little low, and I have a C in AP Calc right now, but an A in IB Physics.
I am hoping my SAT and ACT scores will make up for it, as well as my heavy coarse-load, but I am looking for a second opinion.

My guess is that you would not be accepted into VT Engineering. Congratulations on your excellent SAT scores. VT looks for very high GPAs. The problem IMO is that grading and class rigor vary dramatically across the state. Some kids arrive at VT with 4+ GPAs and are startled to receive some Bs and Cs. Other kids from Virginia may not find the VT classes to be difficult. I don’t know how admissions will look at you for University Studies. My hope is that they say yes. You can transfer from University Studies to Engineering later if you get good enough grades at VT. Good luck.

thank you!