Junior Year Schedule! Fast need opinons soon

<p>I'm scared that my schedule might not look challenging enough but I think I'd be full with these classes cuz I want to focus on starting up my own business with my dad. </p>

<p>My schedule is :
US History
Physics HN
Computer Science
AP Psychology
Math Analysis/Trigonometry
Spanish 3
English 11 </p>

<p>Also,would it help if i took one or two AP classes online during the summer? Would that make up for the lack of APs during junior year? because I was going to do EPGY at Stanford University online.</p>

<p>Well, yes it would help if you took the online courses. But if AP phsychology is all your school offers, then if won't be a real problem.</p>

<p>thanks, but its not the only AP my school offers, but I am trying to start up my own business and I am volunteering a lot, so I am going to be pretty busy.</p>

<p>bump... please any 1 else?</p>

<p>well..i guess it depends on what you're thinking about...if you're aiming for an ivy league college,then you might wanna take another AP class,maybe two...but if you're aiming for a regular state univ.,then you'll be fine</p>

<p>thanks.. any 1 else?</p>