Juniors didn't take the PSAT

<p>My daughter is 50/50 Hispanic and is first generation on my side that has the opportunity to go to college.
She didn't take the PSAT, is it too late? What else could we do to help her obtain help. She is looking into University of Missouri, Bradley university, OSU, and university or Arkansas. Wants to major in fashion merchandising/marketing and minor in business or entrepreneurship. We live in Oklahoma. Her weighed GPa is 3.7 she will take the act in april. Any help will be much appreciated!</p>

<p>If you’re referring to qualifying for NHRP, I’m afraid the PSAT is only offered in the fall of each year, and only jr year scores are considered.</p>

<p>Assuming your D is a jr this year and getting ready to apply in the fall, have you looked at the outside scholarships listed on the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum? There is also a recent thread on this forum about a website for first gen college students, it may have some valuable information as well.</p>