are we too late to declare ethnicity? first to go to college?

<p>My daughter is a junior going into her senior year in the fall. She has taked SAT 2 times and is being tutored to take it again in the fall. She has never indicated her ethnicity on anything. She is 1/4 hispanic. I have read on this board about the NHRP. How can she apply or indicate her ethnicity through college board? Do we have to contact them? </p>

<p>Also, I am wondering about the first gen to go to college. My husbands side is from PR and no one has attended college. I have my masters (teacher). Does that mean she wound NOT qualify because I have a degree? Curious! Thanks.</p>

<p>The NHRP is related to her performance on the PSAT. The Subject Tests don’t impact any scholarships that I’m aware of. You can trying calling National Merit and see what they can do, assuming her score was high enough. 1/4 Hispanic is the cut-off for being eligible.</p>

<p>As for the first generation issue: because you went to college, your daughter is not a first-generation student to attent college.</p>

<p>If NHRP doesn’t work, she should still definitely mark down that she is Hispanic on her college applications. Also, she should “get on the radar” of schools she’s interested in by signing up on their websites, they often ask about race/ethnicity and route candidates to their minority recruitment staff. Take a look at the thread about fly-ins for URMs, if she likes any of those schools, now would be a good time to contact them and let them know she’s interested.</p>