just applied Harvard EA...

<p>accepted/deferred/rejected? chances (in percentages)?

*blue ribbon public school
*distance student in the Harvard Extension School
*very low-income, unemployed parents, disabled father</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 uw, 4.7 w
RANK: 10/413
SAT I: Critical Reading 740, Math 680, Writing 700
SAT II: US History 660, Math Level II 760, Literature (pending)
-Beginning Screenwriting, 4 credits
-Directing, 4 credits
-Film Studies, 3 credits
-Colonial American History, 4 credits
-US History
-US Gov't
-European History (taken online in addition to HS)
-English Literature
-Physics B (taken online in addition to HS)
-Calculus AB
-Calculus BC
-Spanish Language (possibly 2nd semester online)</p>

-Quest Program Finalist
-Early College Scholar (stage program)
-Lowell Student Scholar (Harvard Extension School)
-National Merit Commended
-AP Scholar
-Junior Marshal
-International Thespian Society
-National Honor Society
-Spanish Honor Society
-Distinguished Honor Roll, National Honor Roll</p>

THEATRE: (17 hrs/wk 45 wks/yr)
-Historian, Officer for Drama Club/ITS
-Student Director for School Play
-Stage Manager for School Play *Best Stage Manager award
-TA for theatre classes
-2005 Regional Play Festival (school submission): 1st place
-2005 State Play Festival (school submission): 4th place
-intern at Harvard Summer Theatre 2004</p>

<p>FILMMAKING: (5 hrs/wk 45 wks/yr)
-President, Founder of Student Film Society
-production intern/assistant for various feature films
-volunteer for local film festivals and events</p>

<p>FIGURE SKATING: (3 hrs/wk 35 wks/yr)
-Central VA Skating Club: member and volunteer
-US Figure Skating: member and LearnToSkate Program volunteer
-ISI: member and pending Bronze-level Judge certification
-Annual Holiday Ice Show soloist</p>

<p>VARSITY CREW: (4 hrs/wk 20 wks/yr)
-Considered a school club, but Varsity-level boat all 4 years
-Vice President of the Crew Club</p>

<p>DESIGN/WEB DEVELOPMENT: (2 hrs/wk 20 wks/yr)
-Owner/Webmaster/Designer of large website for five years</p>

<p>IN-SCHOOL VOLUNTEERING: (2 hrs/wk 10 wks/yr)
-through NHS and Beta Club</p>

<p>VIOLIN 13 years.

2005 USC Summer Seminar in Film Study - received financial aid
2004 Harvard SSP - received grant to attend
2003 Naval Academy Rowing Camp</p>

<p>RECOMMENDATIONS: <em>great</em> from AP English, AP Calculus AB, & Theatre</p>

<p>ESSAY: <em>very strong</em></p>

<p>PROSPECTIVE MAJOR: Visual & Environmental Studies</p>

<p>why dont you just go a really good art school or usc for the film school? seems like youre really into filmmaking and such</p>

<p>Well I'm applying to USC Film school, but USC doesnt have EA/ED...and they only accept 50 freshmen! plus, I really really loved Harvard when I went to SSP.</p>

<p>Curious, why did you take AP math and science if your headed into film?</p>

<p>If you don't mind me asking, why are your SAT-I's so low? Obviously, you're one very smart cookie; did you just not study? I think that's your weakest part, there. What were your AP scores?</p>

<p>That is one competitive HS if you're only 10th.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Well, the standard odds are 1 out of 11. But that includes all developmental admits, legacies, recruited athletes, URMs, sons and daughters of ambassadors, senators, congresspeople, state legislators, published novelists, holders of patents, Olympic tiddlewinks champs, folks who have sailed solo around the globe, etc., etc. So for the average applicant, it is closer to 1 in 20. But let's double it because of income status and say 1 out of 10? (maybe much better if you have contacted the crew coach and they want you.)</p>

<p>Where else are you thinking of?</p>

<p>hahahahaha mini</p>

<p>its 1/11 but for those one in a million people at harvard, lets lower it to 1/20 chances</p>

<p>so of the 22000 people who apply, 1/11 get in...so thats 2420...and half those people (1210) are sons and daughters of famous people and kids who are "Olympic tiddlewinks champs, folks who have sailed solo around the globe"... </p>

<p>dont give advice ever again</p>

<p>"But let's double it because of income status and say 1 out of 10?"
wow you are stupid</p>

<p>I think you would have a pretty good shot, but one never knows with Harvard.</p>

<p>The odds for the a developmental admit are virtually 1 out of 1; for legacies 1 out 3, and on down the list. It does not take many applicants to fill up a very large number of the places.</p>

<p>But it doesn't matter - they accepted 9% of applicants last year - which is 1 out of 11 - I didn't make that up. Reduce the odds based on the above as you wish, it is still going to come out somewhere around 1 out of 20 for the average applicant. If you think that's too high, try 1 out of 16 - it doesn't matter real much. You can do the math yourself. So if an applicant seems twice as good as the "average", it would come in at 1 out 8.</p>

<p>i understand that they accept around 1/11, but your saying that half the school is made up of legacies, related to famous people, and extremely rich people</p>

<p>stop telling me to do the math, you clearly dont have the right mindset about harvard... the best of the best get in, not the sons and daughters of the best of the best...2300 of the top students in the country with about 50-100 kids who dont belong, but you always have those kinda kids</p>

<p>yeah my SAT scores are low. i dont know really why, i mean i didnt take any prep courses b/c i cant afford them... but my PSATs and practice tests always had me at like mid-700's for math and high-700's in writing. i suppose i cant change that now... :/ now, i KNOW why my AP scores are low (all 3's) - because i didnt study AT ALL, taking the AP tests are discouraged at my school (not sure why?), and i was stage managing the school play that week (aka not sleeping).</p>

<p>yeah, i took AP maths and AP sciences because i had finished the HS level courses early...even though i'm a film/humanities person.</p>

<p>the reason my rank is only 10/413 is that i take so many theatre classes (which arent given honors weight, unlike some <em>ahem</em> easier classes such as BS-computer courses, but i wont rant about that...)</p>

<p>more predictions pleeeease...?</p>

<p>"i understand that they accept around 1/11, but your saying that half the school is made up of legacies, related to famous people, and extremely rich people."</p>

<p>No, I am saying that 50% of the acceptees are made up of folks who require no financial aid, 20% or so are legacies, 12% are desired URMs, 12-15% are athletic tags, 3% are developmental admits (some overlapping with legacies), 3% have political connections, 5% come from abroad, and 10% have extraodinary characteristics, and, of these, ALL are qualified.</p>

<p>I think I was likely overly generous.</p>

<p>Do the math again -</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, what are developmental admits?</p>

<p>im just glad that all you overqualified applicants dont apply to the really awesome non-harvard schools cough<strong><em>Upenn</em></strong>cough</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, what are developmental admits?</p>

<p>Folks who give substantial amounts to the college.</p>

<p>1/20 is in fact not 1210.
you understand the gist of what mini is saying, even if the math doesn't add up. our dear applicant here is NOT any of the above so UNFORTUNATELY the percentage goes down. that was clear; that was all the information necessary.
don't ever call someone stupid.</p>

<p>freeparking is a huge troll, ignore him :)</p>


