<p>accepted/deferred/rejected? chances (in percentages)?
*blue ribbon public school
*distance student in the Harvard Extension School
*very low-income, unemployed parents, disabled father</p>
<p>GPA: 3.9 uw, 4.7 w
RANK: 10/413
SAT I: Critical Reading 740, Math 680, Writing 700
SAT II: US History 660, Math Level II 760, Literature (pending)
-Beginning Screenwriting, 4 credits
-Directing, 4 credits
-Film Studies, 3 credits
-Colonial American History, 4 credits
-US History
-US Gov't
-European History (taken online in addition to HS)
-English Literature
-Physics B (taken online in addition to HS)
-Calculus AB
-Calculus BC
-Spanish Language (possibly 2nd semester online)</p>
-Quest Program Finalist
-Early College Scholar (stage program)
-Lowell Student Scholar (Harvard Extension School)
-National Merit Commended
-AP Scholar
-Junior Marshal
-International Thespian Society
-National Honor Society
-Spanish Honor Society
-Distinguished Honor Roll, National Honor Roll</p>
THEATRE: (17 hrs/wk 45 wks/yr)
-Historian, Officer for Drama Club/ITS
-Student Director for School Play
-Stage Manager for School Play *Best Stage Manager award
-TA for theatre classes
-2005 Regional Play Festival (school submission): 1st place
-2005 State Play Festival (school submission): 4th place
-intern at Harvard Summer Theatre 2004</p>
<p>FILMMAKING: (5 hrs/wk 45 wks/yr)
-President, Founder of Student Film Society
-production intern/assistant for various feature films
-volunteer for local film festivals and events</p>
<p>FIGURE SKATING: (3 hrs/wk 35 wks/yr)
-Central VA Skating Club: member and volunteer
-US Figure Skating: member and LearnToSkate Program volunteer
-ISI: member and pending Bronze-level Judge certification
-Annual Holiday Ice Show soloist</p>
<p>VARSITY CREW: (4 hrs/wk 20 wks/yr)
-Considered a school club, but Varsity-level boat all 4 years
-Vice President of the Crew Club</p>
<p>DESIGN/WEB DEVELOPMENT: (2 hrs/wk 20 wks/yr)
-Owner/Webmaster/Designer of large website for five years</p>
<p>IN-SCHOOL VOLUNTEERING: (2 hrs/wk 10 wks/yr)
-through NHS and Beta Club</p>
<p>VIOLIN 13 years.
2005 USC Summer Seminar in Film Study - received financial aid
2004 Harvard SSP - received grant to attend
2003 Naval Academy Rowing Camp</p>
<p>RECOMMENDATIONS: <em>great</em> from AP English, AP Calculus AB, & Theatre</p>
<p>ESSAY: <em>very strong</em></p>
<p>PROSPECTIVE MAJOR: Visual & Environmental Studies</p>