Just got off the waitlist!

<p>which i thought was the impossible, I just got off the waitlist! But now im torn. Is UMiami really worth turning down my enrollment to the University of Maryland? Id be going to Miami for Business, and i got into UMD for spring 2011 but would be doing FC so id start in Fall</p>

<p>congrats, one of my best friends had the same problem u r currently facing (spring at miami vs irvine in fall, chose irvine bcas regular fall start + its more than 30 k cheaper per year) what are your stats if u don’t mind me asking</p>

<p>I actually got into Miami in the fall, but Maryland in spring? haha
My stats were prety low for both, but i had many other factors that bosted my application. SAT: 1210/1750 GPA: Junior yr 3.52 - Senior year 3.66 (I made high honor roll ever marking period so far senior year, which is an A in ever class) I also took AP comp sci and calculus this year. My essay was pretty good, I took summer courses at Syracuse University this summer and gained 6 credits. In addition, i am president of my school’s community service club. I play a huge role in my school’s DECA chapter (writing 30 page business plans and ad campaigns) gone to states 3 years and nationals 2 years (i will be majoring in business so it looked AMAZING) Last but not least, I worked throughout high school and did football and wrestling. Like I said my stats my look weak, but there is much more to my application that helped me get in! just sucks ht I will be getting NO MONEY (NJ, OOS for both) - so ill prob end up at UMD</p>

<p>Go with Maryland- The B school is more highly rated . Also,should you decide to switch paths, there is a much wider range of options. Money is a huge factor so save it for grad school, house downpayment or life. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Life is not just about GPA/SAT scores and you were successful and resourceful throughout hs. Our son turned down University of Miami and had to decide between Penn State and Ohio State which is a whole other discussion in itself.</p>

<p>Be confident in your decision to ge to Maryland and look at your Miami acceptance as confirmation of all your talent and hard work.</p>

<p>Thank you, I am 99% sure I will be attending UMD next year. I just have to see about financials. The only thing about UMD is that i am not guarenteed into the B school there, unlike UMiami. But if i do go to UMD, i would most likely do engineering since I will be gaurenteed a spot if I maintain a high enough GPA.</p>

<p>Congrats! How did you find out that you got off the wait list?</p>

<p>I got an email</p>

<p>BLDESQ wrote,</p>

<p>“Go with Maryland- The B school is more highly rated . Also, should you decide to switch paths, there is a much wider range of options. Money is a huge factor so save it for grad school, house downpayment or life. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Life is not just about GPA/SAT scores and you were successful and resourceful throughout hs. Our son turned down University of Miami and had to decide between Penn State and Ohio State which is a whole other discussion in itself.”</p>

<p>Talk about do as I say, not as I do! First, you say “go with the school most highly rated:”</p>

<p>[Top</a> Undergraduate Business Programs 2010 - BusinessWeek](<a href=“http://bwnt.businessweek.com/bschools/undergraduate/10rankings/index.asp?sortCol=rankid&sortOrder=1&pageNum=1&ttRecords=111&resultNum=50]Top”>http://bwnt.businessweek.com/bschools/undergraduate/10rankings/index.asp?sortCol=rankid&sortOrder=1&pageNum=1&ttRecords=111&resultNum=50)</p>

<p>Ok, then YOUR son goes to the lowest ranked one, OSU (I checked the other boards). A “Much wider choice of options?” Do you know that for sure? Do you equate size of school with options? Sure, you get more with a supersize meal, but that doesn’t mean it is good for you. Not every student wants to go to a up to 50,000 student school no matter how much it is marketed as a “small school experience” by big state university.</p>

<p>BaghDAD- You are quite the detective. FYI DSchose OSU because of the Honors Program,John Glenn First Year Living Community which affords public service opportunities and DC internships, almost full ride and the host of opportunities OSU offers.
Money is an issue because DS has ambitions beyond being a South Beach player and PSU while more highly rated was a budget buster for us.</p>

<p>Miami is a fine school but not for everyone. As for your gastronomic analogy,I would take a Big Mac or $2.50 NY slice any day over " haute cuisine" If money wasn’ta factor, probably would have gone with the more highly rated school- Penn State not Miami.</p>

<p>In OP’scase,Marlyand is both more economicaland the more highly rated school.</p>

<p>Good luck, Sherlock!</p>

<p>my daughter just got off the waitlist. she was planning on going to northeastern but now is not sure. she is majoring in international affairs. any ideas on which school is better?</p>

<p>i just got the email today too!</p>

<p>decided pretty quickly…it was between university of iowa and miami (duhhh, of course i chose miami)-- going into international studies. i’m pumped.</p>

<p>I got off the waitlist too. I am so happy!</p>


<p>More Serpico than Sherlock by upbringing, trust me.</p>

<p>“DS has ambitions beyond being a South Beach player” Funny, how does a smart double Penn grad make such a clueless statement concerning what a student at UM does. </p>

<p>Your an East Coast guy, so trust me on this: OSU will promise the moon, start them off in Fisher to start, throw money at you but the bottom line is you are paying (however much) for your outstanding child to go study in 300 - 500 seat lecture halls to start, with TAs galore. Yes, the state is all about OSU…The state is all about OSU Football. I think half the state think the school is there to give the football team something to do outside of practice. Just a friendly warning.</p>

<p>Look around here at the Miami board. I’m sorry if a lot of the students here don’t just brag about partying with Lil’ Wayne on SoBe (Though they might have). Most have high GPAs, studied abroad at the world’s top universities (gaining top marks, BTW), have killer internships and are leaders on a vibrant campus at a University who most notably led the charge in Haiti relief.</p>

<p>OP, go where you want, you will do great no matter where you end up Maryland or UMiami.</p>

<p>I really hate the stereotype that UM is a shallow, vain, arrogant party school :frowning: Its just so untrue.</p>

<p>For those of you that got off the waitlist, I was wondering if the “myUM Home” page, where you can “view your admission status”, changed as well as getting the email notification.
Thank you.</p>

<p>I completely agree. All we can do is to try and counter that misconception wherever we encounter it.</p>