Just starting the search

<p>I am a white male, junior and go to a very competitive high school. My GPA is 3.4 (This puts me in just under the top 1/3 of my class). The GPA is weighted, but our school does not do unweighted and is a very good college prep school. It does not seem to matter if a student takes all honors or not unless they are planning on applying to the top 10-20 schools. I've taken about 2-3 honors courses a year with no AP's. Some kids take 1 AP class junior year, but hardly any take more than that. Some kids take 2 AP's senior year. Our Honors and AP classes are extremely tough. My PSAT's were 1850 with a 72 in math. Interested in using math or science in my career. I'd like some suggestions of colleges on the east coast that would be reaches, matches, and safeties. (Maine to NC and PA would be ok as well). Mid-sized schools would be best. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>bumping up to the top. I really need some advice</p>

<p>Start your search by looking at some schools if you can. Size is important as well as the types of classes and undergrad opportunities. If you like math/science do you want possibly engineering or access to it? Mid to small schools that offer engineering (2000 to 5000) include Bucknell (where my D is at now), Lehigh, Lafayette would be nice schools to look at first to get an idea. It really helps to look at a few different schools to see what is important for you. I don’t know if these schools are too small for you but I hear nice things about Union College, RPI, Univ. of Rochester for math/science. Also look of course at your state schools. Also, look at a school with respect to clubs/activities you are intested in, also living arrangements, e.g. is there 4 yr housing? are you comfortable if you are forced to live off campus? how far from home and ease/cost to get home? What kind of campus activites are there? Is it close to a town/city? These are questions that helped my daughter narrow down her search. There are alot of great schools out there so it can be overwhelming. But sorting out some of these issues before helped my daughter in her search. She is very happy at Bucknell as it fit everything she was looking for. But you never know what happens in the admission process. So once you narrow down what you like, try to have 2 or 3 “safeties”. Good luck in your search.</p>


<p>I think you will need to provide a little more information…intended major/academic interests?
Will you play a sport in college? Is any EC a factor in your search?</p>