Just Wondering...

<p>I'm not actually applying to Emory but I'm just interested in learning about the school. I think most have you have already applied and are just waiting around for an answer, so if you have some spare time, I would love to hear what you have to say about the school. What are its strengths, weaknesses, or stereotypes? Is there anything particularly interesting about the school?
So, pretty much, what caused you to apply?</p>

<p>Just wondering...</p>

Well – I applied because:

  1. I needed to stay in-state for a) HOPE & b) in-state credit transfer.
  2. Emory is *arguably *the best school in Georgia and I kind of liked the idea of that challenge.
  3. Everyone wanted me to apply to an Ivy…& I’m not into Ivies. Emory seemed like a nice intermediate.
  4. Wanted to major in Bio & double minor in Psych & Spanish.
    NBB @ Emory lets me do that pretty easily.
  5. Cliche, I know, but Emory has a great looking campus in a great location.</p>

<p>Along with a few other personal reasons, those were the major ones :).</p>