Just wondering...

<p>I'm not actually applying to GW but I'm just interested in learning about the school. I've heard some good things about it, but I really know nothing more than that it is extremely expensive. What are its strengths, weaknesses, or stereotypes? Is there anything particularly interesting about the school?
So, pretty much, what caused you to apply?</p>

<p>Just wondering...</p>

<p>Check out prior posts in the GW thread all of your questions have been previously addressed/ answered.</p>

<p>If you are not interested there is no reason to invest time on you. Agree with MsBC</p>

<p>ouch…uhhh…sorry (i figured that since it was late january, everyone would be more chill about everything). </p>

<p>My bad, didnt mean to annoy or bother anyone</p>

<p>It’s proximity to the White House and other places of governmental importance is a big factor…especially if you plan on majoring in political science.</p>

<p>strengths; In DC, internships, politically active, nice dorms. But, why do you wnt to know if you are not applying there? Focus on your list</p>

<p>check out the website: [The</a> George Washington University](<a href=“http://www.gwu.edu%5DThe”>http://www.gwu.edu) it’s pretty good. also, you could sign up for a viewbook if you want to kill some trees.</p>