Kalamazoo RD Class of 2020

I did’t see one of these threads, so I thought I would create one for Kalamazoo. Admission info was sent out yesterday. How did you all fare?

Accepted with the highest Lux Esto scolarship which is a huge plus, I visited during the Intercultural Fly in Program and fell in love with the campus but was unexpectedly accepted into American University and UT Austin, which happen to have stronger programs in what I want to study but am still considering K! :slight_smile:

Accepted with Lux Esto as well but considering Grinnell & Whitman at this point. Wondering who else is going to Kalamazoo? Anyone else trying to decide between here and somewhere else?

@choices2020 I am! Currently deciding between Kalamazoo and U of M. Leaning towards U of M but there is still so much I love about K.

@caffeinatedsquid @Choices2020 Thats awesome! The Lux Esto scholarship is really something.

Are there any Chinese who decide to come Kzoo?