I’m a HS Junior at the moment, and we just found out that my step-mother is pregnant. Now, mind you, I’ve been an only child for the last sixteen years, so I’m pretty psyched to have a little sibling (finally). The baby is due in October, which gives me a solid eight-or-so months with them until I go off to college.
However, I’m worried about not being close, especially because of the age gap. I plan on going to college only a few hours (4-9) away, so I’ll obviously be able to visit, but these are some of the big developmental years I’ll be missing.
Any tips on keeping close with younger (emphasis on the YOUNGER in my case) while in college?
That’s really sweet. Congrats on the upcoming sibling!
Skype works wonders.
I have read that any more than a five year gap and a younger sibling is considered an “only.” Realistically, you will be like an aunt or uncle, not a sibling. You will be 19 or so before the little one has any memory of you at all! As someone whose uncle lived with our family when I was little, I can tell you that I got very close to him - he did lots of fun stuff with me. He took me on trips, bought me little toys, and gave me lots of hugs. I’m middle-aged now, but am still very fond of him.
I definitely still consider myself an only child. I’m pretty much fully grown (or as grown as I’ll get), and I’ll definitely be out of the house for almost all of their lives. I’m still hoping I can be really close with them lmao
It will be nice for you to have a sibling and it is wonderful that you are embracing the situation. If you want it to happen you will find a way to be close. Skype, school vacations etc. will all provide you with shared time. Put in the time and effort and it will happen.
And when your sibling gets older you can look for some special things that can become “your special time together” (ex. maybe go out for ice cream or pizza together when you get home, find a game you like to play together or something like that).
This post made me so happy. You are incredibly sweet for wanting to still keep in touch while you are away. I can’t think of many people that would be thinking about this stuff during such an exciting time in their lives such as going away to college. Kudos to you for putting family at the top of your priorities.
I second what @bodangles said. Skype is an amazing resource to utilize. If your family uses iPhones, FaceTime is also another great option. Having a set time every week/every month for your family to keep in touch and sticking to it is how my family kept in touch when my oldest sibling moved away. It works great especially in between physical visits. It’s all about making that effort to stay in touch.
Congratulations on your new sibling