Kenan Community - Alderman

<p>Hi there, I was assigned to live in Alderman, which is a residential hall in the Kenan Community. I am not too acquainted with housing at UNC so I was hoping to get some opinions on Alderman. Thoughts?</p>

<p>Dang, you majorly lucked out. The Kenan community is sooo nice. Kenan is flanked by McIver and Alderman, with Alderman being the closest to Franklin St. Gorgeous porch, hardwood floors… Oh yeah.</p>

<p>Oh wow, thanks. That’s great to hear. Do you know anything about the rooms, such as the size? (There is a housing website with information on the dorms, but I hear it’s unreliable as far as the accuracy of the room layouts and its true dimensions.)</p>

<p>^ They have the entire floor plan of most dorms on the website, just do some digging.</p>

<p>I have looked at the floor plan, but according to past students, it’s not a recent floor plan, and the numbers aren’t necessarily correct. This is why I was hoping to get some insight from people that actually knows what Alderman is like. :)</p>

<p>The rooms are pretty big. The rooms in Kenan are huge, but Kenan is a bigger dorm than the other two (and an all girls dorm). In Kenan, all the rooms running along the hallway (along the length of the porch) are wide with really high ceilings. I’ve been in McIver, and the rooms are like that too but a bit smaller and more compacted (Alderman is basically the mirror image of McIver). The hallways on the upper floors are kind of sloped. My friends in McIver had bunked their beds and then you can move the desks and drawers around. You are definitely in the nicest community on campus! Moving to the Kenan community from Hinton James was like a shock to my system, ha ha! It is such a pretty area. All three dorms have a parlor area/study rooms on the first floor too.</p>

<p>Do you happen to know if the the rooms are big enough to have both beds down? I know some dorms are so small that they basically have no choice but to bunk/loft their beds, so I hope this is not the case for Alderman! But it sounds really nice from what you describe. You’ve been so helpful, thank you!</p>

<p>No problem! It might be a little tight to have both beds on the floor, but I think it works as long as both beds are next to each other in the same direction (either both horizontal or both vertical). What floor are you on? I know the first floor rooms are always a little bigger because of the high ceilings, so you would probably have a bit more space there. My friends in McIver decided to bunk so they would have the floor open. One year of bunking was enough for me, and I want my bed on the ground for the rest of my life, ha ha! I’ve also seen people loft one bed and then keep the other bed on the floor with the head or foot under the lofted bed. You can get creative! : )</p>

<p>I will be across from you in McIver! I am very excited to not have to live on campus. It’s funny all of the people I know say they want to be on south campus because that is where all of the freshman are, but there is a REASON why all the upperclassmen don’t want to live on south campus, lol.</p>

<p>Are you doing Carolina kick-off? I’m just curious since I may be the only one moving into my dorm early, might be a bit weird. The majority of the other CKers are on south campus.</p>

<p>Corey, I think you made the right decision. I hear South Campus is dreaded! What is Carolina Kick-Off? Is that for incoming freshmen students? I’m a transfer student from NC State. How early are you moving in? I think I am going to as well - just to get settled in and get familiar with everything. Plus, I’m pretty excited. :)</p>

<p>Yes, CK is just for freshman. I move in on the 18th, then I go to CK for the 19 - 21st(?).</p>

<p>InBloom, I remember you from the board where we waited forever to hear our decisions! I transferred from App, and I’ll be in Alderman too! What floor are you on? I’m in 308.</p>

<p>Are you sure that was me? I was not even signed up to post on CC during decision time. :slight_smile: I’m on the third floor too!!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I guess it was after all of the waiting, but thats what the board was previously being used for. : )</p>

<p>Ohh okay. Yeah, I joined CC after I got accepted.</p>

<p>I loved Kenan so much I lived there for two years. It is seriously the best ever.</p>

<p>My roomies and I did several layouts, but the best one was with beds on the highest setting before adding the additional thing to make it a loft. That way you get a ton of storage but it still feels like a bedroom. Then put the desks against the bed (and I put a hutch on my desk and put my alarm clock on that). A love-seat futon fit perfectly between me and my roomie’s bed. It was a great set up.</p>

<p>Love every second of the Kenan community… it is the best. :slight_smile: I’ll be off campus for my senior year. I’m very sad that it’s the beginning of the end.</p>