Hi, I’m a current student at Kent School. I would be happy to answer any questions Any alumni, parents or students welcome as well.
Hi! Future Kent student here.
Firstly, what is your general opinion about the social dynamic at Kent? Are the students kind/cliquey, etc? Does it feel competitive, laid-back, etc, in the classroom/athletics?
Then, what is a typical day look like for you? How many hours of work is there for you outside of the classroom?
Hi! Welcome to the Lovely Valley Land, I’m so glad you chose Kent! Can’t wait to see you on campus
- General vibe: like any high school, there are ups and downs, but find yourself a supportive group of friends
To be frank, the first few days were hard, but then I found people who are just so amazing, CARING, and nice!!! The schoolwork can be rough, but your teachers and classmates are always there to support you. There are conference periods where you can ask for help. (Athletics) Your teammates are there for you, and the passion and effort that everyone puts in really inspires me.
Typical Day:
- 7:20 Wake up
- 7:40 Breakfast (MAKE YOUR OWN PANCAKE STATION!!! add chocolate chips = delicious)
- 8:00-11:40 Class
-11:40-12:25 Lunch
-1:20-2:55 Class (You will have free blocks during classtime. Also schedule might change next year) - 3:00-5:00 Activity/Sport
- 6:00 DINNER !
- 6:00-10:00 Study/Freetime/Clubs/SELF CARE
- 8:00-10:00 Study Hall
-10:00 SLEEP
Hours of work: Really depends sometimes 1 hour but sometimes 4 hours (3 major assignments) Also depends on course load and intensity of the class.
Hi! My kid is an incoming 11th grader at Kent and I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about the social situation, as well as what you think is the general teaching style of the school. Do you know anything about the dress code as well? Thank you so much!
Socially Kent has a very diverse student body, you will for sure find your own group of friends. People form friendships through the orientation program, classes, dorms, activities, clubs, etc.
Humanities usually use the Harkness Method. Math and Science can be more lecture-based. Languages really depend but a mixture of discussion & lecture.
Dress code: two layers (cardigan, blazer, decorative scarf, tie)
popular brands: Lily Pulitzer, vineyard vines, H&M, Old Navy, and Gap.
Thank you so much!
I was also wondering what the religious atmosphere was like. My family personally isn’t religious, and I was wondering what it is like?
Usually, we meet three times a week in the chapel. During the week (Tuesdays & Thursdays), the assembly is mostly about student life updates. Kids and faculty will give chapel talks; occasionally, we will also have guest speakers. Sundays are more towards the religious side. The chapel is a nice place to gather as a community. Not everyone is religious, I am not personally. It becomes routine after a while. With the new head of school coming in, things might change.
Yes, I’m not concerned about that all, my kid currently goes to a religious school. Thank you so much for your help though, my family and I are looking forward to joining the Kent community soon.
@CrackersCrayons and @pursuitoftropic I am a current Kent parent and would be happy to answer any questions you might have from a parent’s perspective.
Thanks! I think most of my questions are about the schedule in Kent, and I’ve heard that the kids have “jobs” or something like that and I was just wondering what that meant. Does each kid do different things around campus? Is it like community service? The main reason we picked Kent as one of the schools to apply to, is their impressive engineering program. My kid loves engineering, pretty much everything to do with it, and from what we saw on campus and the people we talked to it seems like an awesome place!
@CrackersCrayons I heard that the schedule might be changing for next year, so I would reach out directly to your AO to get details. As for the jobs program, yes indeed, every student has a campus job each of their 4 years. The jobs range from cleaning white boards, to feeding the fish in the science hall, to kitchen duties. If you are part of the equestrian team, your campus job will take place at the barn. The jobs don’t take long to perform, but every student plays a role in keeping the campus clean and beautiful. I believe seniors supervise the underformers as part of their job.
As for the engineering program, yes, it is one of Ken’t signature programs and is very well established and respected both on campus and by the wider educational community. It is unique in the BS world, and I would highly recommend it to your engineering-minded kid.
Thank you!
Hi…S will join the lions this fall , with formal dress code what do the kids wear usually? All shirts and tie? Are they allow to wear sneakers during class? Thanks
Hi, I am still trying to decide between two schools to attend NMH and Kent. I already know that academics, sports, etc. are great but is there anything about the school that you don’t like? Please be honest!